Happy Birthday Libra! Here are highlights for the month ahead.
Lunations: Moon Phases for the entire month:
New Moon: The New Moon occurs on October 1st at 7° Libra 43″.
Full Moon: This month’s Full Moon occurs on October 16th at 23° Aries 14″.
Retrogrades: Chiron, Neptune and Uranus are retrograde for the entire month of October.
Ingresses: Mercury moves into Libra on October 7th, Venus enters Sagittarius on October 18th, the Sun enters Scorpio October 22nd and Mercury enters Scorpio October 24th.
Continue reading for complete scopes for each sign:
Aries — March 21-April 19: The first day of October brings with it a new moon and a whole new beginning to your love life. Jupiter, planet of luck, is very close to this new moon and should have you feeling more optimistic than usual. With Venus in an area of your chart for the first half of the month giving you more insight than usual into your emotions you should use this to delve into anything that has not been going too smoothly and come up with a solution. The latter part of the month finds you in a more playful mood as Venus moves into Sagittarius. However, the big news for all Aries is that Jupiter has finally moved into your love and relationship area. Enjoy this while it lasts as it only happens once every 12 years.
Moon in Aries October 15, 16 (Full)
Taurus — April 20-May 20: If you are looking for some leeway in sorting out your love life then look no further than the first half of October as up until the 18th Venus is in this area of your chart. This will no doubt be shining a spotlight on your relationships. As Venus is your ruling planet you would do well to follow your heart and see where it leads you. All sounds like fun doesn’t it until you take a look at Jupiter, which is now in your area of work and possibly having the effect of giving you a larger workload that you intended to have. This may be good news for your career however it may not be good news for your relationship so you need to find a way to balance the two this month. The moon in Taurus, just as Venus leaves your relationship area, should help you to put your two feet on the ground and come up with a practical solution.
Moon in Taurus October 17, 18
Gemini — May 21-June 21: Jupiter is now in a position in your chart to have you jumping for joy! It’s trining your sign and also in a position which can bring out happiness and creativity. Mercury, your ruling planet, will join Jupiter from the 8th till the 25th giving you a double whammy of positivity and the ability to breakthrough any barriers that have been holding you back lately. The good news doesn’t end there either as Venus, planet of love, moves into your love area on the 19th allowing you to use some of that luck I was talking about earlier in a positive way in your relationship. Sounds like October will be your kind of month!
Moon in Gemini October 19, 20
Cancer — June 22-July 23: Mars is now in your love and relationship area and no doubt causing you a bit of friction with your emotions. If you think of the planet of war, moving around your love area, you can appreciate that your emotions may not be too smooth this month. From the 13th to the 26th Mars will also be in close contact with Pluto where emotions may become even more intense. This is a time to be careful of what you say and do as you may well be acting out of character and regret your words and actions later on. Best get in there and enjoy the moon in your love area from the 8th to the 10th before any fireworks begin.
Moon in Cancer October 21, 22, 23
Leo — July 24-August 23: Work may be the center of your attention in October as Mars moves through this area of your chart giving you the energy to get through what needs done. At the same time don’t rush in too quickly as you may find yourself wasting a lot of energy when there was no need to. Clear communication is the key when it comes to your work life this month especially as Jupiter has now moved into an area of your chart where communication should be good but it may also be a little erratic. When you do put your mind to the job though it will all go smoothly. Just don’t rush in without knowing what the final outcome is meant to be. The moon in your love area on the 10th, 11th, 12th is a time to focus on your partner and take a break from work.
Moon in Leo October 23, 24, 25
Virgo — August 24-September 22: September may have been a difficult month for Virgo, with Mercury retrograde in your sign alongside an eclipse which means October should feel like a breath of fresh air. Finances could be playing on your mind. Jupiter is now in this area of your chart and the good news is that this is a very positive thing to have if you are considering savings or a purchase that is well thought out. From the 8th to the 25th Mercury joins Jupiter to allow you to think more clearly on what you need to do in relation to money matters. The moon in your love and relationship area from the 13th to the 15th can help you with communication as Mercury, your ruling planet, is also in a position then to have your mind firing on all cylinders.
Moon in Virgo October 25, 26, 27
Libra — September 23-October 22: If there was ever a month to be grateful for then October is it! The month starts out with a new moon in your sign very close to Jupiter. The effects of this new moon are twofold. Firstly, it will clear out all the stagnant energy of the last six weeks where three eclipses have occurred and, secondly, it strengthens the effects of Jupiter just moving into your sign. Mercury also moves into your sign on the 8th, well and truly leaving behind it’s retrograde degrees and allowing you to think more clearly and act upon your ideas. As Mercury is only in Libra until the 25th you should use this period carefully and accomplish as much as you can with it when it comes to communication. The moon shall be in your relationship area on the 15th and 16th which correlates nicely with Mercury’s presence. Any conversations you wanted to have with your partner, then now is the time to do so.
Moon in Libra October 1 (New), 2, 28, 29
Scorpio — October 23-November 22: Venus starts the month in your sign allowing you to get back into yourself and also allowing you to think of where you are and where you wish to be in a relationship. Come the second half of the month you may be yearning for more stability and security when it comes to your love life so make sure you use the first half of the month to sort out where “you are at” when it comes to a relationship. As Jupiter is now in your area of spirituality you may be finding yourself more creative than usual and at the same time be reorganizing your priorities in life. The first half of the month is a great time for you to do so as your creative juices are flowing more so than usual.
Moon in Scorpio October 3, 4, 5
Sagittarius — November 23-December 20: The good news is Mars is finally out of your sign! The not so good news is that Saturn is still in it. Hopefully, by now you will be managing the upsets that Saturn can bring as it passes over your Sagittarian sun. Those of you born earlier in the sign would have had first hand experience of this already. Venus will also be paying your sign a visit in the second half of October which is something to look forward to as it only happens about once every year. Luckily, just as Venus moves into your sign the moon will be in your love and relationship area so it should be a positive time for you. One thing to watch for though is that as the month draws to a close Venus comes into close contact with Saturn which may have you feeling as if your emotions and love life are a bit constricted.
Moon in Sagittarius October 5, 6, 7
Capricorn — December 21-January 20: For those of you born in the middle of Capricorn this month may be a month you may soon wish to forget. Mars is in your sign all month which will be giving you a lot of energy, however from 13th to 26th Mars will also be in close contact with Pluto, which is also in your sign. This is a difficult combination. Mars the planet of war alongside Pluto is an intense combination. Be on the lookout for power struggles and don’t go jumping into an argument without knowing all the facts. On the other hand if you need to assert yourself or stand up for yourself you won’t do better than Mars and Pluto having your back and heaven help the person you are defending yourself against.
Moon in Capricorn October 8, 9, 10
Aquarius — January 21-February 19: Jupiter is now trining your sign which is a great thing to have on your side. This means that life should be pretty happy go lucky as far as Aquarians are concerned, especially when it comes to travel and having fun. With Mercury also joining Jupiter in this area of your chart from the 8th to 25th it might be time to start planning a trip or holiday or just taking off for a few days. Later in the month as Venus moves into your area of friends and friendships you should have plenty of chances to expand your social life. Don’t assume too much this month as Mars is in an area of your chart that may have you rushing into something without knowing all the facts. The moon in your love area on 23rd, 24th and 25th will find you in fine form.
Moon in Aquarius October 10, 11, 12
Pisces — February 20-March 20: You can breathe a sigh of relief this month as all the unwanted activity, namely Mercury retrograde and eclipses, in your love and relationship area are at an end. Unfortunately Jupiter has now also moved out of this area of your chart so your luck in love during the past year has also changed. This is nothing to be too worried about as the planets are constantly moving and changing signs and will always give you something to look forward to. The best news for you in October is that up until the 19th Venus is trining your sign. This also works in keeping your love life running smoothly plus the moon in your relationship area on the 25th, 26th and 27th will also help you realise what it is you want in a relationship.
Moon in Pisces October 13, 14, 15
Be sure to check out this month’s tarotscopes too!
October 2016 Monthly Horoscopes

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