Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of July 3, 2016 – July 9, 2016:
This week starts on Sunday with the Sun in trine to Neptune, which can increase your sensitivity to outside influences and leave you feeling more susceptible to psychic impressions. This transit can help you end your weekend on a mellow note; so mellow in fact that you may decide to stay in and get some extra rest rather than venturing out. It’s a good time to pay attention to your dreams, meditate, get in touch with your creativity and heed your inner voice.
The Moon moves into Cancer later in the day and by Monday it falls into its New Moon phase at 12° Cancer 53′. The New Moon each month brings an opportunity to start new, and this month with it falling in Cancer — the sign associated with home, family, security needs and roots — the emphasis is on relationships with those who are nearest and dearest to our hearts.
The Sabian Symbol for this degree is: “One hand slightly flexed with a very prominent thumb.” This symbol indicates a need to be firm in our convictions while at the same time remaining flexible.
On Tuesday, Mercury inconjuncts Saturn and trines Neptune. The inconjunct to Saturn can see you questioning the value of your own thoughts and ideas. it can have you feel uncertain or insecure about what you believe in, and can have you feeling shy about expressing it.
This transit can have your mind playing tricks on you. Wondering “is what I have to say important enough to say? Am I even sure about what I think?” You feel like you’re being put on the spot or that you are being challenged by those who think they know better.
The Mercury / Neptune portion is both idealistic and visionary. Together these transits complement one another, especially in the realm of personal relationships.
Venu Trines Mars on Wednesday. This aspect brings love and romance to the forefront. It’s all about going with the flow and staying in sync with your loved ones. It’s good for attracting new people into your life and for collaborating with others.
As this a water sign trine — with Venus in Cancer and Mars in Scorpio — the energy is more sensitive and loving, with emphasis is on collaboration and cooperation rather than resistance.This transit emphasizes making love rather than making war, so take advantage of it if you have the opportunity.
Thursday’s transits are a bit more contentious, with Venus squaring Uranus and the Sun and Mercury squaring Pluto. Starting with the Venus / Uranus square, conflicts can erupt — from seemingly out of nowhere — in both your personal relationships and your interactions with others. This aspect pits the urge to merge against the desire for freedom and independence so could see you on a completely different page from your loved ones.
The Sun / Mercury conjunction opposing Pluto adds fuel to the fire, with the potential for Egos to get in the way of accomplishing much of anything. This transit can be wilful and rebellious, so be mindful of loved ones’ need to be themselves. Power struggles, harsh words and trust issues are all indicated here. This is not the time to try to force someone into a specific role or exert your own expectations on others.
Fortunately the Sun and Mercury also sextile the North Node on Thursday too, which can soften some of the wilful and quarrelsome aspects brought about by the Uranus and Pluto squares. The sextiles to the North Node create an automatic trine to the South Node, which can manifest as fortuitous and synchronistic interactions with others.
On Friday, Mercury and Venus play nice again, with a trine from Venus to Chiron and a sextile between Mercury and Jupiter. The Venus / Chiron aspect can see you becoming more aware of your own capacity for giving and for being able to put yourself in other people’s shoes. This is a charitable aspect that compels you to reach into the very depths of your soul — where compassion, forgiveness and understanding all reside — and bring forth that which is within you in order to pass it onto others.
Mercury sextile Jupiter is great for sitting down and having a heart to heart with a loved one. It’s a light-hearted and engaging aspect that emphasizes sharing, learning and exchanging ideas. It says you can keep things interesting without going too deep; you can have playful and pleasant encounters with others without worrying about stepping on anyone’s toes.
The asteroid Juno also moves into Scorpio on Friday, which can increase your desire to connect with a love interest on a deeper, more intimate level. This is a passionate and intense placement for Juno, which is tied to soulmate relationships and deep emotional connections.
We wind down the week with the Moon moving into Virgo and forming some very nice aspects to the Sun, Mercury, North Node, Jupiter, and Pluto on Saturday. Use this time to reflect on the week behind as you prepare for some very interesting transits in the days ahead.
That’s it for this week, see you next Sunday!
Here is this week’s astro calendar; click on it to view it full-sized.
Weekly Astro Forecast —
July 3, 2016 – July 9, 2016
Thinking about learning Astrology? I highly recommend Stephen Arroyo’s Chart Interpretation Handbook and Demetra George’s Astrology for Yourself.
Don’t forget to check out more Weekly Astro Forecasts and our Monthly Horoscopes too!
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