Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of May 8, 2016 – May 14, 2016:
This week starts with a relatively uneventful Sunday and a jam-packed Monday, as far as transits go. First of all the Sun conjuncts Mercury in Taurus. This is a recurrence of an earlier conjunction (in Aries) when Mercury was still moving forward, but now it’s retrograde and making a second pass. The third pass — once Mercury turns direct again — will occur two months from now (on July 6th) and then will repeat this cycle in the fall.
This Sun / Mercury conjunction is combust (or in this case cazimi). This is also known as “at the heart of the Sun” which is said to strengthen and energize Mercury’s influence. Mercury conjunct the Sun in retrograde is good for taking a step back and figuring out what needs to be cleaned up before you can move forward. Because it’s in Taurus, this may relate to your finances, your income, earnings and savings. It ‘s also a good time to look at changes you want to make in your environment (such as home renovations or landscaping) although it’s not the time to make them. Wait for Mercury to go direct before you put your ideas into action.
Also on Monday, Venus sextiles Neptune. Since Neptune is the higher octave of Venus and these two planets are “holding hands (sextiling), this aspect these two planets’ respective influences. The sextile aspect relates to assistance and cooperation. The Venus / Neptune combination is often present in relationships that are based on spiritual, creative or altruistic notions.
This transit is excellent for tapping into your psychic abilities and can also be instrumental in creating soul connections with romantic interests. There are unconditional love aspects to the Venus / Neptune sextile but be careful: it’s also associated with escapism and self-deception, such as relationships where neither party sees the other one clearly. This transit can also manifest as co-dependency or escapism.
Finally on Monday, Jupiter turns direct after spending the last 4 months in retrograde motion. It won’t cross its “shadow point” until mid-August, but it’s moving forward all the same and bringing with it the desire to start moving forward again toward thinking, planning and accomplishing in a big way. As Jupiter is tied to travel, philosophy. higher mind and personal expansion, you can start thinking about ways to enhance your life in all of these areas.
On Tuesday the Sun and Mercury trine the North the Node, while Venus trines Jupiter. The trine to the North Node is all about developing a comfortable rapport with others. It’s about generating a meeting of the minds and communing with those who are on the same page. As the North and South Nodes are always in opposition, the North Node trines the Sun and Mercury at the same time the South Nodes sextiles them. think of this as a relatively painless give and take, even with Mercury retrograde.
The Venus / Jupiter trine is warm, gregarious, benevolent and kind. It can see you feeling generous and so good about yourself that others respond in kind. Those feelings of goodwill are infectious and can result in opportunities that come to you through unexpected channels.
As Venus is tied to love, beauty, harmony and personal values, all of these things may come easily to you today. Money may also flow to your more easily today as it’s also ruled by Venus. As Jupiter is tied to generosity, gratitude and luck, you may find yourself feeling particularly benevolent, but don’t overdo it.
Venus inconjuncts Saturn on Thursday, which may put a bit of a damper on things. It can bring internal conflicts to the surface and see you questioning your own value. You may have to confront feelings of personal inadequacy — questioning whether you are worthy or deserving of the things you truly want.
As with all inconjuncts, the key is finding a way to resolve these internal conflicts, which generally involves finding a happy medium between two competing desires. In this case it’s about taking an honest look at your personal deficits and turning them into something more positive.
Mercury trines Pluto and conjuncts Venus on Friday. The trine to Mercury can shift some of that stressful Venus / Saturn energy and funnel it into something more productive This aspect is good for digging in deep and ferreting out information that may solve some of your more perplexing emotional responses. It’s good for doing research and looking for hidden clues. It’s also good for deep, soulful meaningful conversations that get to the heart of the matter.
The conjunction to Venus (which is also trine to Pluto, but not exact until Saturday) focuses this energy toward relationship issues. It adds a layer of passion and depth to interpersonal communications, and may see you revealing more about yourself (and your feelings and intentions) than you had planned on.
We end the week with a Sun / Chiron sextile and a Venus / Pluto trine on Saturday. The Sun sextile Chiron aspect opens us up to the pain and suffering of others that we may normally overlook. It brings compassion and understanding to the forefront and can make it a little easier to put ourselves in someone else’s shoes.
The Venus / Pluto trine emphasizes the urge to merge and opens us up to meaningful connections with others. Whether these are romantic / sexual in nature or just significant in terms of shared interests and ideals remains to be seen. But this transit brings with it elements of magnetism and charisma so be prepared to make an impact on those you encounter along the way.
That’s it for this week, see you next Sunday!
Here is this week’s astro calendar; click on it to view it full-sized.
Weekly Astro Forecast —
May 8, 2016 – May 14, 2016
Thinking about learning Astrology? I highly recommend Stephen Arroyo’s Chart Interpretation Handbook and Demetra George’s Astrology for Yourself.
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