Three of Stones
There is wisdom and then there is being wiser. As the Sun goes into Capricorn today we see Uranus turning direct.
This means that just as things start to get more practical and grounded for you Uranus comes in like lightening and could shake them all back up.
If there is anything that you have been trying to put into action lately today may be the day to do it on.
You have all the answers you need, you have all the resources you need and the only thing you perhaps need is a bit of a push in jumping off that ledge and doing it.
Uranus turning direct today will give you that push even if you want it or not.
Whatever you do decide to do today know that it comes from deep within you and if you look at the owls in this image you can see they are actually under the tree and form part of the tree’s root system.
Your own beliefs will also support and feed you today.
It is important to listen to any thoughts you are having as they will send you in the right direction and further fuel the fire inside you to get things done.
You might also want to keep in mind that if you hold back and don’t do what needs done then you may be forced into doing it kicking and screaming at some point in the future and if this is the case you will not hold as much power over your actions as you would if you made the decision yourself.
There is more than one way to watch a plan take action and the first step starts with wisdom.

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