Nine of Cups
Venus and Uranus are sextile today, making way for unexpected opportunities to increase your luck.
Venus rules both love and money, so what better way to attract both into your life than to embrace the ideals inherent in the Nine of Cups?
The Nine of Cups is called the “Wish card.” It speaks of manifesting your heart’s desires through aligning yourself with the principles of appreciation and gratitude.
This version of the card is rich in symbolism. A giant gold koi fish leaps into the air against a blood red Moon. The silhouette of a great white heron on the other side of the card frames the fish in a yin yang formation.
These symbols represent the dynamic principles of give and take that are so much a part of the Nine of Cups message. We know that Venus — when it comes to both love and money — must move and flow in order to grow.
As an animal totem, the koi fish represents wealth and material abundance. The heron represents confidence and fearlessness. They move together in harmony in this card, illustrating the need to balance these energies in your life.
Even the colors of this card speak of fortune and opportunity. Red symbolizes action, movement and energy; gold represents prosperity and fortune, and the indigo hues in the background are tied to the crown chakra and third eye.
Along with being the “Wish” card, the Nine of Cups is also a card of Miracles. As there’s so much more focus on what one has than what one lacks, it’s easier to notice small miracles and in even the smallest things. With that in mind, Count your blessings and expect good things today!
Today’s card — Nine of Cups — comes from the beautiful Samurai Tarot by Massimilliano Filadoro and Giancarlo Carracuzzo.
This is a Lo Scarabeo deck published by Llewellyn.
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