
January 2022 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

gypsy palace king of pentacles

Aries: King of Pentacles

This month, with five planets (and the New Moon) in your 10th house, you’ll be focusing on career and your plans for the future. You might be thinking about starting a business, feathering your nest, or looking for ways to establish security for you and your loved ones.

This is the King of Pentacles from the Gypsy Palace Tarot. He’s a robust and colorful King. He’s clothed in the finest royal attire. He’s vibrant, spirited and energetic: you can see that he’s got places to go. Yet he’s also very open and generous. There’s not an ounce of stinginess or pettiness about this King.

The phrase “if you want something done you may as well do it yourself” speaks directly to you, but may not always be in your best interests. If you struggle with trusting that things will get done without your input, keep in mind that giving up control and allowing others to show you what they’re made of can benefit you more in the end.

This may be someone coming into your life and if so, know that he or she is there to teach you those qualities. But if, on the other hand, you’ve been focusing too much on what you lack or what’s been missing in your life, it’s time to rethink the messages that you’re sending out to the Universe.

Remember the universal laws attraction: they’re as present as ever in this card. You ‘ll need to shift your energies to those of prosperity-consciousness and gratitude in order to fully appreciate the blessings of this King.


May 2021 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Aries: Seven of Wands

With Mars (your ruler) now in Cancer — and moving through your 4th house — there may be times this month where you feel like retreating into your own thoughts and creating a safe inner sanctuary for yourself.

You may also find yourself needing to be more guarded and alert, rather than accepting things at face value.  You may face opposition from others, in the form of competition or outright resistance. You may also feel “under siege,” as in being attacked or ganged up on.

There may be a moral dilemma or a situation that requires you to compromise your ideals. This may be a friend who asks you to keep an uncomfortable confidence, an accusation that’s put you on the defense, or a situation in which you feel unfairly targeted.

In this version — from the Light Seer’s Tarot — the choice is pretty clear. It’s not going to be about fighting or one-upping anybody. It’s about distancing yourself from all the noise and reclaiming your own power.

There is a “hold your ground” element to the traditional Seven of Wands and a call to find your center in this one. Either way it’s about self-preservation. But what better way to strengthen your position than to harness all that energy, rather than allowing it to scatter all around you.

Think about the obstructions you’ve been standing in the way of obtaining your goals and work on breaking them down. You may have to explore uncomfortable feelings or you may have to conquer some fears. Whatever it is, know that you do have the tools at your disposal. The Seven of Wands requires you to consider solutions that might not be readily available, as you plan your next move.


July 2020 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Aries: Four of Wands

This month — with your ruling planet (Mars) back in your sign, you should feel like you’re getting your second wind and making strides toward accomplishing what you’ve set out to do.

The Four of Wands — this version from the Sun and Moon Tarot — delivers a boost of confidence and a renewed sense of validation, It encourages you to push past  limitations and reach for the stars.

This card is all about reflecting on accomplishments and looking forward to where those accomplishments may lead. It speaks of rejoicing and celebrating — whether this means planning for a party or special event, or getting yourself out of the doldrums and washing away the blues.

The Four of Wands takes the “dream big” energy that came with the Three of Wands and turns it into something tangible, solid and lasting. It represents a joyous celebration: a marriage, a promotion, the birth of a child.

It tells you that “this is only the beginning” of something you’ve already established and that it’s going to just keep getting better and better. It’s not the time to isolate or withdraw from social opportunities. Look around you and take note of all you’ve accomplished thus far. Chances are good there’s a lot to be grateful for and a cause for celebration right there in front of you.

March 2020 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Aries: Black Tortoise Six

Opportunities abound for you this month with your ruler (Mars) joining Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in your public sector. This is a powerhouse conjunction that’s likely to get you noticed. It can herald a period of increased public scrutiny, and can bring you more recognition on the job.

You may have been putting a lot of effort into your work and not even realizing that others have taken notice. Or you could be unexpectedly pulled aside by a loved one, just to tell you how much you’re valued.

This is the Feng Shui Tarot’s version of the Six of Wands. It’s a card of appreciation and admiration. You “win” something and have earned the right to be satisfied with the spoils of your victory.

This isn’t about ego or conceit and it’s never at someone else’s expense. There’s a strong sense of being supported and lifted up by others who rejoice right along with you.

You could be in line for a promotion or an award at work. You could be given the okay to go ahead with a project you’ve been excited about. Or it may be as simple as pat on the back and some words of encouragement from those who look up to you.

Whatever form this takes for you this month, know that you’ve earned it and that you deserve it. It may just give you the incentive to keep shooting for the stars and manifesting your highest goals. Don’t shy away from celebrating your achievements with others.

Even if it feels premature at this stage know that you’re well on your way and that the fun doesn’t have to stop once you reach your goals. Embrace the accolades that are coming toward you and don’t forget to thank those who’ve helped you along the way.


August 2019 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Aries: Ace of Bows

This month — with five planets (including your ruler Mars and the New Moon) moving through your 5th house — the area related to self-expression and creativity — you want to be thinking about your dreams, desires and intentions; as well as the actions you can take to turn them into a powerful reality.

The Ace of Bows (Wands in most decks) speaks of directing your energy toward your goals with purpose and intent: much the same way you’d take aim with an arrow and launch it at a distant target.

If you’ve ever done any archery, you know that you don’t just pick up an arrow and fling it haphazardly into the air. You have to pull back, focus on your objective and become one with the bow before you even shoot. Once you let go of the arrow, you’re committed to the outcome so you have to put everything you have into hitting your target.

This is the energy you want to keep in mind as you work on manifesting your goals. This card — called the “Spark of Life” here in the Wildwood Tarot — refers to that raw, pure, unharnessed energy that is the Ace of Wands as it changes energetically from spark (idea) to flame (intention) to contact (manifestation).

What is it you really really want that you haven’t (up to now) put your whole heart and soul into? And what are the chances of making it a reality unless you do? These are the questions you want to be asking yourself this month.

The Ace of Bows is about offering your intentions up to the Universe with every reason to believe you will be rewarded for doing so. With this in mind, it’s time to push all negativity aside and replace it with optimism and inspiration. If you’re truly serious about manifesting your desires, there is no time like the present to do it.


April 2019 Tarot Scopes by Melodie


Aries: Temperance

This month you are likely to be called upon to integrate opposing areas of your life into one big calm, peaceful and harmonious medium.

This may take the form of aligning yourself with higher spiritual realms, or it may be more about learning to surrender.

The Temperance card — this version from the Crystal Tarot — speaks of searching within yourself for that wellspring of inner grace and finding a way to bring the good and bad, light and dark, happy and sad back into balance.

The Temperance card is called “Art” in some decks. It speaks of the unique creative forces that each of us possess. It speaks of seeking out symmetry and harmony.

In what areas of your life are you too inflexible, too rigid and too unwilling to hear another’s point of view? Your challenge will be to overcome those impediments and to integrate the opposing forces in your life.

In this version of the card we see an angel standing in a field and pouring fluid from one vessel into another. The grass is green and abundant at her feet, the sky is clear and the Sun shines behind her. The rainbow that is usually seen in this card is actually a part of her in this version. In her gown, in her wings and in the landscape behind her.

Her demeanor is calm and peaceful — almost trance-like, as if she’s mesmerized by the process. This is the essence of this card: there’s a calm and graceful symmetry in taking one’s time, going with the flow, and becoming one with all that surrounds you.

This is going to be especially important for you this month, with the New Moon in your sign, as well as Mercury, Venus and Chiron at different times. And while you may be tempted to strike out on your own, you want to be mindful during this time of how your words, actions and decisions can

February 2019 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Eight of Coins

Aries: Eight of Coins

This month, you’ll be thinking about doing business and being more productive. You’ll be focusing on honing your craft and turning your skills into something you can be proud of.

The Eight of Coins is a card of craftsmanship. It can be as simple as being 100 % focused on your work and demonstrating your level of dedication and service. And it can be as innovative as taking something you’re uniquely capable of and turning it into a career.

In this version of the card — from the Joie de Vivre Tarot — a Fox in wizard’s attire conjures up a magic potion. He stands over the bubbling concoction as the cauldron sizzles and boils.

Five disks hang from the limbs of the trees behind him and three are pinned to his pointy hat. He’s so good, he can afford to take his eyes off the mixture.  But he doesn’t dare step away: the completion of this project depends on his being right there to make it happen.

The Eight of Coins is also known as the apprentice card. It refers to taking on an interest — a new one or a lifelong dream — and devoting yourself fully to it. It doesn’t have to be career related, but since it’s a labor of love wouldn’t it be great if it were? Making a living doing what we love is something we all aspire to achieve.

March 2018 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

The Priest

ARIES: The Priest

This month you may be thinking about all that you’ve gained through the trials and tribulations in your life, and how you can pull from those experiences to help others.

You may be coming out of a period of soul searching and personal reflection, which when filtered through the impulse to consider the welfare of others, can act as a powerful conduit to heal those who need healing and acceptance — now more than ever.

This is the Samurai Tarot’s version of the Hierophant card. It’s called the Priest in this deck, and as you can see from the imagery in this card, the focus is as much on helping those who need assistance as it is on spiritual enlightenment. But perhaps the message here is that these are one and the same.

This card references the ability to bring comfort and guidance to those who need it, even if you’re still struggling to heal your own wounds. And as you can see in this version of the card, the Priest must rely on his own walking stick to reach the stream he’s guiding the thirsty woodland creatures to.

In this respect they may be healing him as well. We all know how powerful the idea of being useful is, and we all know important it is to feel that we’re making a valuable contribution.

The Priest card comes as a reminder that there’s always something to learn and always something to teach. There’s also always something to give, knowing that what we get back in often far greater in the end. We just need to step outside of our own biases and preconceived notions, and be willing to lend a helping hand.


March 2017 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

the Lovers -- Mary El Tarot

ARIES: The Lovers

Mars and Venus are moving through your sign this month, bringing the traditional “love” planets together, forcing you to deal with relationship conflicts and considerations. The Lovers card is all about relationships and choices that need to be made regarding relationships. These are often complicated by temptations that emerge, forcing you to have to choose between dual principles or desires.

Are you seeing in your own life where an attraction has turned into a fixation or obsession? Or where perhaps you’re relaxing your own set of standards to allow for indiscretions you’ve already made?

The Lovers card says that the stakes are high and that there may be a price to pay for giving into your passions without considering the long term repercussions.

A third party (leading to infidelity on someone’s part) is one strong possibility. But so is a relationship that’s likely to create tensions with family members or society. A same-sex union. A May-December romance. An inter-racial affair. A relationship that is sure to be frowned upon by your religion. A love affair with your co-worker or boss. The possibilities are endless. It can also refer to the union of polarities, as seen in the Mary-el version of the card.

The figures here are about as opposite as they can get: male and female, young and old, black and white.This is said to represent the alchemical marriage. The female figure is strong and aloof, the male passive and vulnerable, She is naked, save for a nautilus shell headdress, while he is draped in purity and light. Yet they flow together in an intimate embrace. Even so, there’s an apparent emotional disconnect in this rendition. The female figure stares off into the distance while the males gazes downward.

The angel watching over them in the background is barely noticeable. She doesn’t assist and she doesn’t interfere. This is something to keep in mind this month as you find yourself struggling with temptation. You do have free will, the choice is ultimately yours, and whatever decision you make will have consequences that you’ll be expected to answer for.

February 2017 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Prince of Wands

ARIES: Prince of Wands

Mars (your ruler) has now moved into your sign. And what better card to depict that energy than the Prince of Wands — the Druid Craft Tarot’s version of the Knight of Wands? This card speaks of gathering up the courage and confidence that’s needed to go after your goals.

It may be a dream you’d set aside because you lacked the time, energy or resources to follow it n the past. It could be an interest that’s been calling out to you that’s no longer possible to resist. And it might be something (or someone) you’re passionate about that you’re only now in a position to pursue.

The Prince of Wands encourages you to move past your fears and go after your dreams with the attitude that nothing can stand in your way. You don’t want to waiver or second-guess yourself; you want to grab onto opportunities that present themselves without a moment’s hesitation.

This doesn’t mean you ought to go gallivanting across the countryside without a plan. Keep in mind the Prince of Wands can be a bit rash — in an act first and figure out how to get out of whatever predicament you’ve gotten yourself into later sort of way. Because he runs on adrenaline, he has a tendency to lose interest in anything routine.

If this is someone in your life, you will know him by his confidence and bravado. He may he here to teach you the importance of embracing some of these qualities yourself. But if instead this card represents an energy and attitude you already possess, keep in mind the importance of making preparations and pacing yourself so you don’t run out of steam.

The Prince of Wands is here to remind you that it’s a good time to dream big, challenge yourself and set your goals in motion. If you temper those goals with a enough discipline and perseverance, you may just see them manifest beyond your wildest dreams.

July 2016 Tarot Scopes by Melodie


ARIES: Strength

This month you may be called upon to tame your inner beast, meaning that if you feel your emotions rising and you know they may get out of control if you give way to them then you need to reign those emotions in and find another way to express them.

On the surface you look happy and calm almost contented as if nothing can rattle you yet underneath a storm may be brewing.

Be on the lookout for anyone trying to press your buttons to seek a reaction from you. This may be of paramount concern to you this month with the Strength card — this version from the Anna K Tarot — as your talisman.

If you have been having trouble with someone and they know how to rile you then you need to be extra vigilant that you do not react the way they are hoping for. If you do you lose and they win.

The yellow sky shows a prevalence of mental abilities today yet if your mind is too cluttered with many different thoughts you may not get to the gist of what you are wanting to know.

The white dress shows you as innocent in some way… almost like a blank canvas waiting to see what sprouts forth. Whatever does come forth for you today you can be sure it will not be small.

February 2016 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Black Tortoise Seven

ARIES: Black Tortoise Seven

There may be times this month where you find yourself up against what seems like an insurmountable obstacle that you’re going to have to use discipline, strategy and cunning to see yourself through.

This is the Feng Shui Tarot’s version of the Seven of Wands. It focuses more on the barriers that stand in your way than on the conflict and combativeness that’s usually associated with this card.

The Black Tortoise in this card gazes through the rungs of a locked gate at a mountain range in the distance. He may be longing to escape, or he may be pausing to consider more creative solutions to crossing over to the other side.

But it’s all a matter of perspective. Is he really locked out? Or is he safe in the confines of his own kingdom, protected from the turbulent storm clouds that are brewing in the distance.

The Seven of Wands requires you to look at your situation from all sides and figuring out the best course of action.

There is a “hold your ground” element to this card which is in keeping with the traditional Seven of Wands. But rather than fighting off someone trying to unseat you, you may be fighting off your own urges to see the grass as greener on the other side.

Think about what’s been obstructing you in your own quest to reach your goals. As there’s an expanse of water (emotions) between the gated ledge and the mountains across the way, there’s more than likely an emotional component at work here.

You may have to explore uncomfortable feelings or conquer hidden fears. Whatever it is, know that you do have the tools at your disposal. The Black Tortoise Seven requires you to consider solutions that might not be readily available as you plan your next move.