Six of Swords
You may be on the verge of making important changes in your life, and in doing so will have to think about what you’re taking with you and what you need to leave behind.
This doesn’t necessarily mean material things; in fact that’s rarely what it means. It’s more about attitudes and belief systems, as well as a life you may have built and dreams you may have dreamed that are no longer capable of sustaining you.
The Six of Swords is all about transitions, and in most decks (including this one) about leaving something painful behind in an effort to move toward “the light.”
You may be moving, changing jobs, ending a relationship, or releasing some baggage that’s been holding you back. Although this card refers to change more than it does to endings, there are elements of “clearing the slate” that are a necessary part of this process.
In this version of the card — from the Deviant Moon Tarot — we see the swords used practically and efficiently in the structure of a hot air balloon that is floating toward a better life. The balloon itself emanates from the woman’s head, a nice reference to the importance of using one’s head to overcome obstacles. The city burns behind her. The face on the front of the vessel is serene, and while the woman herself may be sad, she’s not looking back.
This is the message behind the Six of Swords. You may not be where you want to be just yet, but you’re moving in the right direction. It also provides clarity and perspective. We may see things we don’t want to see — or admit to ourselves — but it’s that kind of clarity that motivates us toward change.
Take a moment today to reflect on where you are and where you want to be heading. This is the first step, courtesy of the Six of Swords, toward manifesting your goals.
The card used for today’s tarotscope — Six of Swords — is part of the Deviant Moon Tarot, designed and created by Patrick Valenza.
There is also a borderless version of these cards out now.
For more information on his deck and to purchase them, please visit the Deviant Moon Tarot website.
Please also check out and “like” this deck’s facebook fan page.
Published by US Games.
Check out more daily tarot scopes or visit our Shop.
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you’ve misidentified the card in your title.
Always enjoy your take on the cards, thanks
Hey Sharyn — thank you! I fixed it.. It was sheer coincidence that we did three different sixes this week! and wouldn’t you know I’d mislabel one of them…. 🙂