Free Daily Tarotscope — July 16, 2014 — Ace of Wands

Ace of Wands

 Ace of Wands

Today — as Jupiter moves into Leo — for the first time in over 12 years — you want to be thinking about what you want to accomplish during this next chapter in your life.

The Ace of Wands is card of passion and raw unformed energy. It’s the spark of an idea that can be harnessed and then channeled into something tangible and real.

This version of the card pairs the William Blake painting “Ancient of Days,” which portrays God as an architect creating the world, with a quote often attributed to Goethe:  “Whatever you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.”

The Ace of Wands is a card of inspiration: it’s that fire that burns inside of each of us that even when it flickers or goes dim, it never completely dies out. It’s the spark of imagination, self-expression and passion that permits us to allow our “wildest dreams” to manifest — even if only in our dreams.

You can work with this energy yourself — depending on where this transit falls in your own natal chart. If you don’t know and would like to find out, feel free to post your birth date (as well as time if known and place of birth) in the comments section below, and we’ll be happy to tell you.

And chances are you were doing something similar — at least in the area that this transit falls — approximately 12 years ago.

Think back to that time: Did you start a new relationship? Have a child? Chance jobs? Move to a new location? Complete your degree? Whatever it was, you’re tying up that cycle now and starting a new one — probably in the same general area of your life.

Jupiter moving into Leo marks a period of renewed confidence and inspiration. You can use this transit to your advantage by seeing it as an opportunity — like the figure in this card — to participate in the creation of your own destiny, by offering it up to the Universe and then taking the steps to make it happen.


Today’s tarotscope — Ace of Wands — is part of the Art of Life series, by Charlene Livingstone, distributed by U.S. Games. Each card in this deck features a well-known work of art paired with an insightful quotation. For over 25 years, Charlene Livingstone taught Art and English to gifted students in Toronto. She is still very involved with the arts and writing, and currently works as a Gallery Guide at the Art Gallery of Ontario. The Art of Life Tarot brings together Charlene’s literary interests and her background in visual arts.


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15 comments on “Free Daily Tarotscope — July 16, 2014 — Ace of Wands

  1. Sudha

    My birth details: (Female) 12th December 1970 @ midnight 00.00 Hrs Place – Hindupur, India. Would like to know more on my natal chart & transits. Thanks.

    1. Melodie

      Hi Sudha this Jupiter transit falls in your 11th house and will move back and forth between your 11th and 12th houses during the next several months (due to its retrograde). The 11th house is more about finding your place in the world, where you fit in, your “tribe” members, etc. and your contributions to society. It’s also tied to friends in general and your social circle. The 12th house is more isolative, it’s more introspective and more about working with your own intuition, which gauging from your natal chart is going to be right up your alley.

      1. Avatar photo

        Expect some new friendships to form under this transit which may open your mind to new and interesting things.

    1. Melodie

      Hi RJ, this is in your 9th house (and conjuncting your natal Uranus). As Uranus is the ruler or your 4th house, it could indicate a major move or changes in the home. But with the transit moving through your 9th and making that conjunction, I’d say it’s going to be about spiritual or educational expansion for you .. taking classes, traveling abroad, embarking on some major spiritual journey etc.

  2. Kathy

    August 16, 1959 approximately 8:00am Woodbury, NJ

    1. Avatar photo

      Hi Kathy, Going from the chart I’ve just set up for you using 8am as the time of your birth (which gives you a Virgo rising) Jupiter is in your 11th house which means friends, groups, friendships. You may find that over this period you are meeting a lot of new people with various contacts for you and that you are feeling pretty sociable yourself. It is a time of expansion and you may also find that you a drawn to groups that help the greater good. You may need to watch that you don’t lose some friends during this time too as the energy of Jupiter could work both ways ie if you were not happy with someone you would not be holding your tongue in what you wanted to say… Jupiter would see to that… and Jupiter is pretty blunt when it comes to speaking… lol.

  3. Justin Staley

    Hello. My birth info is 8/20/1978, 7:10 pm, and my husband’s is 1/3/1972, 1:27 am. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

    1. Melodie

      Hi… we need your place of birth too (city, state, country) for both of you.. thanks!

        1. Melodie

          Hi — for you it’s “work,” also health, self-improvement … You’ve got Jupiter in the 6th house natally and just had your Jupiter return in the last couple weeks. So this 12 yr cycle is important for you. It can manifest as a change in jobs or a change in direction professionally at the very least. Also focus on health and wellness, diet, exercise, self-improvement etc. It will cross into your 7th (relationship) house a couple times before it leaves Leo (due to the retrograde later in the year).

          For your hubs it’s 10th house moving into 11th (and back again due to the Rx). 10th house is reputation, professional achievement, external validation, parents, authority figures, etc. And 11th is friends and group associations. You two both have Jupiter tied natally into the “livelihood” spectrum. In different ways but still powerful. You might consider joining forces professionally this year too.

          All the best!

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