Four of Cups
You may not feel like you’ve got much energy today, or maybe you’re just lacking in motivation. A hard (square) aspect between Mercury and Neptune can bring on feelings of apathy or disillusionment, and can delete your energy levels if you’re not careful.
This aspect is good for fantasizing, daydreaming or tapping into your creativity (such as free-style poetry, music, dance or art), but not so great for applying any of those things to your mundane existence.
You may be more sensitive to any kind of external stimuli, and more susceptible to being deceived — even if that means deceiving yourself. It’s not a good time to make promises or decisions or to sign contracts.
The Four of Cups — this version from Dana Driscoll’s Tarot of Trees — is associated with melancholy, apathy and indifference. This doesn’t mean that whatever you desire is lacking — in fact the Cups in this card are not only full but they’re all overflowing.
The water (emotions) that pours from one cup to the next doesn’t flow back to its source. Even though they’re seated right next to an ocean, the water spills out onto the ground and is wasted. The Tree pulls its limbs away from the cups and in toward its own center.
But notice the spiral symbols that are repeated throughout the imagery in this card — from the tree’s limbs, to the ocean’s waves, to the clouds in the sky, to the bough of flowers on the ground. This is a theme of centeredness that speaks more about autonomy and fulfillment than it does of discontent.
With this in mind today, you want to work on finding your center today, and pulling your energy inward rather than allowing it to scatter to the wind. Whether the Four of Cups manifests for you as disillusionment or personal fulfillment, will depending on how successful you are at achieving that aim.
The card used for today’s tarotscope — Four of Cups– is from the Tarot of Trees designed by Dana Driscoll.
Available for purchase through the Tarot of Trees website.
Please also visit and “like” this deck’s Facebook Fanpage.
This deck is also now available for iPhone/iPad and Android devices.through the Fool’s Dog website.
Used by generous permission.
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