Three of Wands
Jupiter trines Uranus today, bringing with it unlimited potentials for reaching toward your highest goals and aspirations.
The Three of Wands — this version from the beautiful Cosmic Tarot — is a card of opportunity and personal expansion. It encourages us to look at what we’ve already established as we plan our next moves.
In this case the woman in the card has somehow manifested three lotus blossoms in the middle of the desert. She raises her arms to the Sun in gratitude and prayer as she meditates on how far she’s come. The three wands that are placed in the earth around her provide structure and stability, while she ponders her next move.
This woman is graceful and calm. She appears to be blossoming, just like the lotus blossoms growing out of the sand before her. She’s aware of what she’s created thus far, and knows that it will take a combination of serenity and confidence to keep her vision alive.
This is not the time for her (or you) to sit back and rest. It’s important to keep working toward manifesting your goals.
As with all Threes, the Three of Wands encourages you to network and interact with others. Whether this means sharing your ideas, communicating your visions, or accepting offers of assistance, there are always advantages to joining forces with like-minded people.
Although the woman in this card is very much alone. She doesn’t appear lonely and she’s aware of the life sprouting around her, even in the desert. There are also birds flocking toward her in the sky and shadowy figures moving toward her in the distance.
The Three of Wands encourages you to push past your limitations and expand your horizons. It will mean stepping outside of your comfort zone and exploring uncharted territories. And while you may run into pitfalls or have to take detours along the way, know that these are often blessing in disguise that can open up a whole new world of possibilities.
Today’s card — Three of Wands — is part of the Cosmic Tarot by Norbert Lösche and Jean Huets.
Norbert Lösche is a phenomenal artist whose extensive body of work is well worth checking out.
Jean Huets is a prolific writer who has published numerous books on tarot and other subjects.
This deck was published by U.S. Games.
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