Today’s card — the Donkey or Five of Fossils — is the Five of Pentacles in traditional tarot. It can indicate a need to rethink what you value, especially when it comes to your own sense of worth or self-esteem.
It can mark a period of financial adversity, such as seeing your earnings held up or seeing your resources dwindling as a result of unexpected expenses.
As Pentacles are linked to “values,” we most often think of money. But they also relate to self-worth: it’s hard to feel good about yourself when you’re struggling — financially or otherwise.
In this version of the card from the beautiful Animal Wisdom Tarot — the Donkey is seen carrying quite a heavy load. He trudges through the snow — alone — with all of his worldly possessions on his back. But look at the stars in the night sky and especially the one bright star that shines directly above him.
Notice how it shines through the fossils on his back and creates a prism of colors that glow all around him. He may be so caught up in the burden that he carries that he doesn’t even see it — which is one of the most important lessons associated with the Five of Pentacles.
You too may feel vulnerable and exposed under your current circumstances. You may be afraid to ask for help, especially if you’re sensitive to being watched or judged. But the message here is to work on overcoming those fears and on recapturing that inner beauty that glows all around you, even if you’re the last one to see it.
The card used for today’s tarotscope — Donkey — is part of the Animal Wisdom Tarot series by Dawn Brunke and Ola Liola.
Dawn Brunke is a writer and editor who specializes in the areas of healing, metaphysics and spirituality. She’s written several books on communicating and communing with animals.
Ola Liola is a painter with a background in fashion. Her inspiration comes from fashion design, mythology, microscopic world, flora and fauna.
The Animal Wisdom Tarot is published by CiCo Books, and used by generous permission.
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