As Pluto turns direct today (after five long months in retrograde motion), you may be thinking about closing the door on one chapter in your life and opening another.
The Transformation card is the Vision Quest Tarot’s version of the traditional tarot’s Death card.
It speaks of putting certain things to rest — whether that be a relationship that you’ve been holding onto for far too long, a belief system that no longer serves you, or material possessions that you’ve accumulated but no longer have any use for.
The Death card is scary for some. Because it represents having something we’ve grown accustomed to taken away. But this card focuses on the transformative effects of “Death” in that all that you release will not only be replenished, but will get you one step closer to your own evolutionary potential.
It reminds us that energy never dies and that nothing we’ve lost is ever really gone. It’s simply transformed and renewed, like the spirit of the owl overseeing the remnants of a tribal monument on this card. The animal’s carcass may be old and weathered, but the Moon in the sky is new, reminding us that endings always lead to new beginnings.
Sometimes the Universe shows us just what we don’t need by removing it from us forcefully from our grip. In this sense the “death” can be a painful undertaking. But if you choose instead to cooperate, it can be an incredibly liberating experience.
You may have to accept that the very thing you so desperately cling to is the one that’s holding you back. In this respect, it’s more about leaving behind something that probably wasn’t working for you anyway and moving toward something that you’re naturally more aligned with in the end.
Today’s card — Transformation — comes from the Vision Quest Tarot by Gayan Sylvie Winter and Jo Dose.
Gayan Sylvie Winter is the writer and creator of numerous tarot and oracle decks and is considered an authority on goddess narrative.. She’s collaborated with Jo Dose on two other decks.
Jo Dose has also illustrated children’s books in addition to her tarot and oracle illustrations.
The Vision Quest Tarot was published by U.S. Games.
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