Page of Swords
You may be mulling over the 101 ideas that are rushing through your head today. Just as one bright idea pops into your mind another sprouts up to take its place.
You need to stay focused if you wish to “win” a discussion. Don’t rush in too quickly; decide what you want the outcome to be, and don’t get distracted by things that have no bearing upon your original plan.
Reflect on how easy it would be to hit that butterfly with the sword as shown in this card. My guess is it would not be easy but it would distract you to the point of weakening your own arguments.
The Page of Swords may have his head in the clouds but that doesn’t mean it’s not full of ideas. He’s thinking and planning and strategizing at any given moment. He may have BIG ideas — bigger than he’s prepared to handle, much like that giant sword in his hands. But it’s those ideas that propel him forward, toward ultimately accomplishing his goals.
The Page of Swords can be charming and clever. He (or she) is also somewhat immature, temperamental and emotionally unsophisticated. You may grow tired of his antics have to resist the urge to yank him by the ear and send him to his room.
But there are positive attributes associated with this card as well. There’s curiosity, innovation and idealism that’s hard to find anywhere else. These are the gifts from the Page of Swords, which can inspire you to reach for the stars as well.
Today’s card — Page of Swords — comes from the Golden Tarot by Kat Black, distributed by U.S. Games, Inc.
The Golden Tarot is comprised of collage imagery from the European masters paintings, and is a stunning addition to any tarot collection.
For more information on the Golden Tarot check out and “like” Kat Black’s Facebook Fan page.

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