
Free Daily Tarotscope — Aug 24, 2015 — The Hermit

The Hermit

The Hermit

Today is a day for seeking answers to life’s most pressing questions by meditating and reflecting on your goals.

The Hermit card represents a retreat from all the noise and distractions that surround you in order to access your inner reserves of knowledge and wisdom.

In this version of the card — from Vanessa Decort’s gorgeous Sun and Moon Tarot — the Hermit stands before a faded parchment marked with esoteric teachings. She holds an hourglass in one hand and the trident of Shiva (Trishula) in the other.

The symbols on the parchment are in ancient Sanskrit with the Om symbol at the top and the Hebrew letter Yod (representing the omnipresence of God) at the bottom.

As the Hermit card also refers to turning inward, there is an entire spectrum of information — from the depths of the psyche to the heights of conscious awareness that can be accessed through this process.

The Hermit card is not about avoidance, it’s about finding your inner light and choosing to follow it. Or like the woman in this card, choosing to understand it and share it with others.

Today you get to choose whether you’re lighting your own way or acting as a guidepost for those who have wandered away from theirs. Both are valid endeavors ,and only you will know which is the right path for you.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jun 15, 2015 — The Hermit

The Hermit

The Hermit

Today, as Saturn retrogrades back into Scorpio, you may feel the need to a break from distractions around and focus on seeking your answers from within. While Saturn is retrograde, it’s also now back in mutual reception with Pluto, making your journey into the underworld a little bit easier to bear.

The Hermit card refers to solitude, introspection and internal analysis. It’s about getting a better understanding of yourself and searching for a deeper meaning to life’s most pressing questions.

And while the figure in this card — from Nora Huszka’s gorgeous Gypsy Palace Tarot — may lack human companionship, she’s hardly from alone. Notice the birds and fish that surround her, which may or may not be real. They may just reflect the psychic content of her own thoughts and ideas.

As the Hermit card also refers to turning inward, there is an entire spectrum of information — from the depths of the psyche (represented by the sea creatures) to the heights of conscious awareness (represented by the sky creatures) that can be accessed through this process.

The waves at her feet look almost like flames. She turns her attention to the blue and indigo flames, representing intuition and higher consciousness. As water also represents feelings, these fiery waves can refer to the alchemical process of transmuting your emotions into something that can be worked with dynamically.

The Hermit card can appear at a time when you’re so bombarded with external stimuli that you just want to “get away” from it all. Notice the bird at the top of the card liberating himself from his cage.

Be careful that you don’t spend so much time in your head that you miss out on opportunities that present themselves. They may seem random in the moment but reveal themselves later to be much more important than you’d realized.

Free Daily Tarotscope — May 19, 2015 — The Hermit


The Hermit

As Mercury turns retrograde today in Gemini — the sign it is most at home in and where it will remain for the next seven weeks — you may be thinking about changing things up a bit and looking at things from a different perspective.

The Hermit card is about generally about turning inward and seeking wisdom from within. But who is to say that needs to be boring? Mercury in Gemini is a lot of fun — even when retrograde.

There are also elements of unpredictability with Mercury retrograde and no where is that more evident than in this version of the Hermit card — from beautiful Maddonni Tarot.

At first glance he looks like a rather rotund character with a puny head. But on closer inspection, you can see that his average-sized body has been dwarfed by his billowing robes, which have inflated and lifted him up.

As colorful and vibrant as the Hermit is in this card, you can see that there are no outside distractions. In fact there are no outside anything, as he’s apparently risen above his earthly concerns and is floating in the ethers.

The Hermit card is not about avoidance and isolation. It’s about finding your inner light and choosing to follow it. This is especially important when Mercury is retrograde and you’re dealing with the unexpected.

This card encourages you to embrace solitude through whatever means you find necessary. It challenges you to rise above your mundane concerns and get a better understanding of yourself through searching for deeper meaning.

Be careful that you don’t spend so much time in your head that you miss out on opportunities that present themselves.They may seem random in the moment but reveal themselves later to be much more important than you’d realized. You also want to be conscious of your own motivations: the downside of this card is the urge to hide things, close yourself off from others and avoid those who matter to you most.

Today you get to choose whether you’re lighting your own way or acting as a guidepost for those who have wandered away from theirs. Both are valid endeavors ,and only you will know which is the right path for you. As the Hermit card also refers to turning inward, there is an entire spectrum of information — from the depths of the psyche to the heights of conscious awareness that can be accessed through this process.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Mar 14, 2015 — The Hermit

The Hermit

The Hermit

Saturn turns retrograde today at 4° Sagittarius. The Sabian symbol for this degree is “An old owl sits alone on the branch of a large tree.”

This symbol ties in very well with the Saturn retrograde as well as the Hermit card, both of which speak of gaining insight and wisdom through solitude and introspection.

This version of the Hermit card — from Nicoletta Ceccoli’s gorgeous Ceccoli Tarot — focuses more on introspection than it does on solitude, which is an important feature in many decks.

The woman in this card is dressed in a red-and-white striped tunic, which transforms into a sort of snail-like shell formation behind her. She paces around the edge of another circle — this one a pattern painted onto the floor. Along the outer perimeter of the same circle stands a mirror image of this same woman, in miniature version.

Together they wind their way around the circle, each with the light of a candle to guide their way. The candles provide illumination of a different sort — though they may not even need them: they seem to know the steps by heart. The circular theme is repeated here in the shape of the room itself.

The Hermit card refers to turning inward and seeking guidance from your self. Much like the woman and her mini-me here in this card.

And Saturn turning retrograde reinforces this theme. It forces you to “look back” and to re-evaluate some of your earlier choices, which have in turn led you to where you are today — on your own circular path.

Rather than going in circles you may want to look at this as retracing your steps, which is something the retrograde Saturn wisely imposes upon us. It’s not about repeating past mistakes: it’s about revisiting old hindrances and finding ways to resolve them.

February 2015 Tarot Scopes featuring the Rider-Waite Tarot


ARIES: Magician

The Magician card is all about bringing your talents to the table and putting them to good use.

Perhaps you have been looking for a job or thinking of changing your occupation. If so it would be wise for you to sit down and assess exactly what it is you can bring to the table of any new employer or occupation you are chasing down.

This doesn’t need to be about you finding a job: it could be that you’re thinking about expanding your knowledge which makes you a little more employable and more valuable in the job market.

You may really be wishing to change jobs but are a little hesitant as you don’t think you have all that a new employer is looking for.

If this is the case think again because the card of the Magician is a strong indicator of a new job, change in careers and if you are happy in your current job it may be that you are about to be given more duties to perform.

Focus on the hands in this card you will see that one is pointed to the earth whilst the other is pointed to the heavens suggesting that you are aspiring to something great yet also grounded enough to see that you cannot just take a big jump and land in that greatness without a bit of preparation.


Free Daily Tarotscope — Jan 31, 2015 — The Hermit

The Hermit

The Hermit

Today with Mars conjuncting Chiron you may taking an active part in retreating from all of the commotion that surrounds you and moving toward a place of meditation and quiet reflection.

The Hermit card refers to the yearning for wisdom and knowledge that so many of us possess but so few of us take the time to seek out and develop.

This Hermit — from the beautiful Light Grey Tarot — appears as an old wizard making his way under the cloak of darkness, with only his walking stick and lantern to light the way. An owl (representing wisdom) flies over his shoulder and the crescent moon (representing clarity) shines brightly in the night sky.

Mars and Chiron come together today in Pisces. And while Mars is the planet associated with action and motivation, those functions can get lost under the self-sacrificing shadow of Chiron. But put these two entities together in Pisces and magic can transpire.

Psychic perceptions are heightened. Consciousness is expanded. Intuition increases. Dreams become more vivid.  And the desire (Mars) to funnel all of the Utopian (Pisces) qualities of compassion, idealism and unconditional love into something meaningful (Chiron) results.

The Hermit card is not about avoidance and isolation. It’s about finding your inner light and choosing to follow it. This is especially important when referenced against the Mars / Chiron conjunction, which is bound to intensify the urge to find answers to your most pressing questions.

Today you get to choose whether you’re lighting your own way or acting as a guidepost for those who have wandered away from theirs. Both are valid endeavors ,and only you will know which is the right path for you.

As the Hermit card also refers to turning inward, there is an entire spectrum of information — from the depths of the psyche to the heights of conscious awareness that can be accessed through this process.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Dec 26, 2014 — The Hermit


The Hermit

After all the fanfare of yesterday you may be feeling a little more like some solitude today.

The Hermit is a card of going inside yourself to find your own strength and your own truth.

It is a card of wisdom… specifically the type of wisdom that comes from your own thoughts and experiences.

Sometimes when you have a problem or a goal there is only so much of the path forward that you can see. In this version of the card there is a distinctive area which is lighted by the illumination of the lantern whilst the remainder of the “picture” is outside of this illuminated area.

This does not mean you need to worry about what you cannot see and by and large what is outside the illuminated area is pretty dangerous including the cliff face immediately underfoot.

Nevertheless there doesn’t seem to be any risk you’ll take a step in the wrong direction. You’re well aware of what’s going on, what your part is in it and more important what you part is not in it thereby keeping your boundaries. Knowing if you overstep these boundaries you may very well find yourself in a perilous situation or at the very least one you do not want to be in.

The owl shows wisdom and this owl is alert! It is ready to alight if needs be and also surveying an area of your life that you may not be thinking about too strongly. For this reason you may find you begin to think of different areas of your life not with panic or worry but more with wisdom and answers to how you can change things.

If nothing else you can be assured you will have help and whilst this help seems to come from within you there is also a strength to you today that you know you do not have to hold everything together on your own. The staff in your hand is strong and steady… as are your thoughts and actions.

Nov 2014 Tarot Scopes featuring the Gypsy Palace Tarot

King of Swords

ARIES: King of Swords

This month you’re likely to be thinking more about doing business and finding your place in the world than anything else.

With a line-up of planets moving through your 8th house — the area associated with joint resources and other people’s money — as well as Mars (your ruler) joining Pluto in your public sector, the focus is going to be more on career and professional achievements.

The King of Swords is all about power and authority. Success, Accomplishment. Strategy. Intelligence. You’ll have all of these things at your fingertips and should be taking advantage of them — particularly in the first two weeks of the month.

This is a time for putting your ideas out there — verbally or in writing — and communicating them to others. It’s not the time for ambivalence or uncertainty.

Look at the King in this card. He’s a bit more colorful and flamboyant than we’re using to seeing with the King of Swords. He’s usually rather stoic and somber.

But this whimsical version is just spirited enough to capture the dynamic and playful Uranus in Aries transit you’re dealing with and just dignified enough to capture the Mars in Capricorn transit you’ve got moving through your 10th house.

This King says you can have the best of both worlds. It doesn’t have to be all work and no play. And you won’t get anywhere if it’s all play and no work.

October 2014 Tarot Scopes featuring the 78 Tarot

Aries:  Five of Swords

If you rush into something too quickly this month you may find that it comes back to bite you.

Think of what your Achilles heel is and keep an eye on it because it may not only be you who is affected. Someone will have your back and you need to be aware that your actions do not only affect you but others also.

If you find yourself at odds within a situation do not come out fighting because if you do you may find you have done exactly what the other person wanted all along and as there is total balance in this image you don’t want to go rocking any boats to put yourself at a disadvantage.

It may be that you are on the verge of leaving a relationship, a job or simply have had enough of your life at present and want to throw it all in and start something new.

However, what you do not need is action that is not well thought out… rather you need a plan.

With an eclipse in your sign on the 8th and Mercury retrograde for a large part of the month it will be difficult to see the woods from the trees but if you can imagine glimpses of your wishes coming into reality then you get the idea of what you need to do and why it is so important to hold off for the time being.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Sept 12, 2014 — The Hermit

The Hermit

The Hermit

Today you may feel like retreating from the outer world and turning inward toward your emotional center.

The Hermit card refers to solitude, introspection and internal analysis. It’s about getting a better understanding of yourself and searching for a deeper meaning to life’s most pressing questions.

With Mercury and Chiron in semi-sextile today, you may also be feeling overly sensitive — to your environment and to the people around you.

The Hermit card can appear at a time when you’re so bombarded with external stimuli that you just want to “get away” from it all. But be careful that you don’t spend so much time in your head that you miss out on opportunities that present themselves.

You also want to be conscious of your own motivations: the downside of this card is the urge to hide things, close yourself off from others and avoid those who matter to you most.

The Hermit in this card is submerged deeply into the realm of the unconscious, as shown by the waves surrounding him. He blends in so completely that he becomes one with them, a reflection of the need to immerse yourself fully, which is the essence of this archetype.

July 2014 Tarot Scopes featuring the Tarot of the Zirkus Magi

Tarot of the Zirkus Magi -- the Lovers

ARIES: The Lovers

Relationships and relationship issues are going to be hands down the biggest area of focus for you this month.

That doesn’t mean it’s going to be easy. But what it does mean — with Mars (your ruler) moving through your relationship sector and in hard aspect to both Pluto and Uranus — is that it should be “interesting” at the very least.

The Lovers card brings all of your relationship issues to the forefront. The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. It refers to decisions that must be made — sometimes between two lovers, and sometimes between love and something else — as well as all the temptations, fixations and complications that are a part of that elusive and intoxicating mystery we call Love.

If you’re dealing with challenges in your own relationship, it may just be a matter of getting out of your own way. You don’t want to be creating problems where there are none to begin with. If you’re just now discovering that Love is not all it’s cracked up to be, join the crowd. You would do well though to put your own needs, expectations and agendas aside.

Check out the figures in this card. Who would have thought the Clown and the Bearded Lady could portray such a fantastic representation of Love? Yet all the pieces are there. The comfort, the closeness, the intimacy — even the whole world fading into the background behind them — are all beautifully rendered here. The angel statue blesses their union from above and who are we to question it?

Free Daily Tarotscope — Jun 13, 2014 — the Hermit

The Hermit

The Hermit

There’s a lot to be said for inner healing today as Chiron trines Saturn and sextiles Jupiter. This version of the Hermit will no doubt have you digging in deep to your emotions in an effort to bring to the surface that which is possibly hidden to you and is now on the verge of becoming illuminated.

This may not be an easy thing to do considering Venus and Saturn are also in opposition today so that which you discover may play on your mind and dance around your soul as you endeavour to draw it out and shed new light on it.

Not that I’m wanting to worry you in what you might discover. Step back and study the Hermit card. Look into the crystalline structure that is illuminated by your light and listen to what it has to say to you.

You are protected from any outside forces that try to endanger you as can be seen by the four animals on each corner of the card alongside the circular pattern that seems to immerse and enmesh you within the one way view into the deeps of your own thoughts and feelings.

This is not a day for partying or spending around a lot of people. You need the quietness of your own mind to work through what you wish to discover and make headway on.