Aries: Strength
If you find yourself needing to draw on inner strength this month or gain help from those around you then don’t be afraid to ask.
You are not alone and you have plenty of resources to help you along your path. Even though you cannot see the final outcome you have an inner “knowingness” to help you on your way.
As the month progresses you should be feeling the changes around you as you seem to shed your skin and grow a new one… meaning… the changes you implement around you in your environment are coming from within and yourself as opposed to outside forces.
If there is a relationship you feel has outgrown its purpose and has been holding you back then you are well and truly on the road to releasing yourself from its clutches and what’s more you have the strength and resources to back you up.
Reach out to anyone you think may be of help to you now as you start your new cycle.
The moon in the background of this card may seem to be either in its first or last quarter or if you look at it again it could even be seen as an eclipse… and eclipses mean change!
Taurus: Ten of Pentacles
There seems to be contentment for you all round this month with very little going wrong for you. This version of the 10 Pentacles shows a family scene where everyone is in harmony and linked to each other through their joy and happiness.
Surrounding this scene are the 10 pentacles each with a star and heart which implies if you wish on a star then you get your heart’s desire. You might like to try this. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain especially given the greenery and fairies also interwoven into this scene.
If you tend your garden (life) well then you get back what you put out. Using your imagination to fantasise what you are wishing for would be a good place to start. Work should also be positive for you this month alongside conducive relationships with work colleagues and the possibility of a promotion.
If you were planning on changing jobs or branching out in other areas to make money this is the time to do it. When you are planning your changes take note to if there is a key factor that is the backbone of your success as the key in this card suggests there is something you need to “unlock” in order to gain further access to success.
In fact, there has possibly never been a better month to put your wishes into action and see what life brings you… you’ll have plenty of support alongside plenty of luck and a splattering of fairy magic.
Gemini: Five of Swords
You may be worrying over nothing this month as all thoughts turn inwards to your very own “self”… or to be more precise where you stand in matters of the heart and what you want to do about it.
There is no use trying to second guess the object of your desire here as this is all about you. Decide what you want and what you do not want. The different coloured handles on each sword show that you will balance your decision wisely and not be too caught up in letting events get out of control.
There’s a lot you want to say yet you feel tempered by trying to balance it in a way that does not allow the situation to go overboard… almost as if you are hoping for a second chance somewhere down the line which if you handle things correctly may actually occur.
For now you need your space so you can get your thoughts around what you wish to do next. If you need some grounding during the month study the hearts in this image, the pink hearts standing for love of another and yourself whilst the purple hearts stand for spirituality and perhaps the true meaning of your heart shifting in a different direction is that unconsciously or intuitively you know something needs to change and you just need to work out what to do about it.
Take the sword at the bottom of the cross, the one with no colour attached to it’s handle and make it your own… this is where you will find your answer.
Cancer: Death
You may feel as if you have been handed a “golden opportunity” this month and it is an opportunity that comes with change.
If you have been trying to change direction in any area of your life then now is the time to set the wheels in motion.
There is much to be happy and enthusiastic about as one thing after another changes for you and you are left with possibly not one but several directions in which to go next. It is almost as if a guardian angel surrounds you and illuminates the next step you should take.
If you have recently felt stuck or found yourself with many setbacks which have not only hampered your progress but put you out of sorts within yourself and left you emotionally drained then rest assured you are about to soar.
Like a phoenix rising from the ashes you will transform what was once a situation or life that was humdrum into something wonderful.
Take note of what you hold in your hands and nurture it until it is ready to grow. Remember your life is a “blank” slate so fill in the blanks with an “artist’s” stroke and enjoy the process.
Leo: Prince of Wands
If there is something you have been aiming for and not sure how to accomplish it then this is the time to jump in with both feet and just go for it!
The Prince of Wands implies that you have many changes coming your way and you are not afraid to reach out and grab them. There are tools around for you to use that facilitate the journey you take to bring about these changes.
The Unicorn in this card and the background it runs in front of suggests that for a while now you have not been sure what to do but you have never given up knowing that you are going to do something big.
Suddenly, the answers have come to you and your joy is written across your face for everyone to see. Nothing will hold you back and if anyone tries they will have more to contend with than they realise.
Your hopes, dreams and wishes are coming from your heart this month. You have the strength to see them through and the resources to back you up.
You may need some further tweaking to your plan but rest assured it is a good plan and as it begins it will quickly come together as if nothing can hold it back. Its time to come out of the darkness and spread your message across to all around you. You know exactly what you want and how to get it.
Virgo: Wheel of Fortune
This month seems to be all about taking the good with the bad and not letting anything get under your skin. The rhythm of life dances through stages and this is perfectly shown by the stages of the moon in this card as it progresses a full cycle from new to full to new again.
Alongside this the four fixed astrological signs are depicted in the outer corners surrounding the wheel. Some of which show easy astrological aspects towards each other such as trines and some more difficult aspects such as squares.
It would seem that anything you wish to put your hand to this month can and will turn out if you don’t try pushing too hard against any opposition that comes your way. Remember you can always ask for help and there is more than one way to skin a cat… meaning… if what you try at first does not succeed then try something different.
For all the ups and downs though you do seem to have a lot of luck on your side as the symbol for Jupiter can be seen in the bottom of the card directly under the wolf with a clear line rising up to the middle finger where the symbol for Venus is situated.
If you have something to say then you will say it well and as Venus is situated on the Saturn finger you will not only say it well you will gain from what you say… you will be rewarded in some way.
Libra: The Tower
Deep within you lays a calmness that is about to be called upon this month as things start getting out of hand.
The symbol for Mars in this card suggests action and the image of the tower suggests explosive action. If there is anything you have been trying to change but finding all your efforts are in vain you may try the other approach ie pushing your way through without taking into account the repercussions of your actions.
The biggest thing you need to worry about though is that you keep enough calm within you to deal with the fallout because the fallout from any actions whether these by yourself or from outside yourself look huge. As long as you keep the vision of the white dove of peace within the tower as your anchor you should be able to ride anything out.
This may mean you need a back up plan and when the tower is involved forearmed is always forewarned. If you feel as though things are getting out of control and they are not of your making or doing then look at ways to counter anything that may blow up for you because if it does blow up it is going to do so in a grand fashion.
Fools rush in where Angels fear to tread.
Scorpio: Two of Swords
What is it that you are so perfectly stuck 50:50 on within your decision that seems to have you not moving one way or another?
The two swords in this image show that you are thinking with your thoughts versus thinking with your emotions and yet if you look closely each sword is different almost as if you are being given a choice in how you can think your dilemma through.
There is a mixing of the masculine and feminine aspects associated with each sword both within the hilt and the shaft of the swords. This is being reflected perfectly back to you by the phase of the moon.
Everything points to the centre. The birds, the shafts of the swords, the meeting of the real image and that of the reflection and it is here you will find your answer.
Look into your heart for this is where your answer lies. It is illuminated within the depths of your soul and ready for you to hear and run with what answer you find there.
If you use your imagination to find your answer you may like to focus on the sword with the swirly shaft and think of a unicorn coming to your rescue and taking you away from all of your worries, doubts and indecisions.
Sagittarius: Six of Wands
Your heart soars as you race to victory on the wings of your own current good sense and ability to see the larger picture. Is there something you have been aiming for that has possibly seemed out of reach? If so, this is the month to reach out, grab it and make it your own.
There is a sense of a deeper meaning to your quest as the circular images within the sunflowers show you that even as you think you are at the end of something you may actually be on the verge of something else. You may not know where it will take you but what you do know is that it is for your greater good and that there is a fair degree of growth attached to it. Intellectually you are soaring.
This is a good month to put your head down and study or if you have written work to complete now is the time to do so. The path you are on is about to take you on a leap possibly beyond your wildest dreams and you should be aiming high as that star is easily within your reach.
Speaking of dreams… you may find that if you sit down and do a bit of day dreaming your goal will come to you sooner especially as your heart is attached to what you desire. This is a great time to do some manifesting when it comes to your love life. The object of your affection looks to be new to your life and also seems to be linked to a wish you have made. Best sit down with that pen and paper and make a list of what you do want… and while you’re at it keep your thoughts away from what you don’t want.
Capricorn: Four of Swords
It’s into the dreamtime for you this month as all your worries and thoughts come back to haunt you and you find yourself with the need to take yourself out of your daily grind to think things through.
A word to the wise though… don’t be too hard on yourself as the 4 swords here show you turning your thoughts against your own best interests and possibly undermining yourself before you have a chance to fix something or make changes in your life.
The bed you lay on (your environment) looks quite comfortable, if not a little out of the way as if you have cut off communication with those around you whilst you fathom out what your next move should be.
Even though you are not acting or taking any actions for the time being you are nonetheless ready for anything that may come your way and although you may not be feeling that happy (as shown by the fish’s demeanour) you are not too hemmed in by your troubles to actually be frozen to the point of not being able to do something should the need arise.
Take heart that at present what you are doing is, perhaps, all that you need to do and though what you may perceive as inactivity or non action then this may also be the path to the greatest inroad to your problems.
Aquarius: The Sun
Everything is in balance for you this month especially when it comes to matters of the heart. There is a sense of transformation as if you or something in your life is about to be reborn and if you have had some difficulty lately in your love life then that is about to change.
It all starts with you! You cannot change the other person you can only change yourself and it seems that you have already made a huge start to this which you will only feel growing as the month proceeds.
It is as if you stepped out of a role you had felt you had to be in and took back your own power, a power which you have balanced and built up to the point that it now radiates from you. Other areas of your life will also be touched with this change in you so if you are considering making changes now is a good time to do so.
Listen with your heart. You are taking giant steps spiritually this month and do not let anything which may seem like synchronicity just blow over you. Grab it with both hands and hold on and take it to its end for you never know where it will lead you. If you are having trouble seeing synchronistic events in your life focus on the 3 sunflowers on either the left or right of the butterfly… the sunflowers on top of the green hill… these are your dreams… grab one and see where it takes you.
Pisces: Nine of Cups
You might like to keep an eye on what is really going on around you for if you keep on lashing out at thin air you may miss your mark and do more damage than you intended.
Even though you may think your obstacles are insurmountable just now you actually have a lot going for you if you know where to look.
It might be an idea to seek advice in something that has become a bit out of hand for you and you need more professional advice to sort it out.
Rather than trying to swipe at every perceived threat that comes your way you might like to sit down and look at the view from that height.
If you find yourself feeling as if you are overwhelmed by too much input or people trying to goad you into action this month your best bet is to stop pushing back at the threat and take a step back.
I know you have a lot to say in your own defense but the other person doesn’t seem to be listening and if this is the case then your silence will speak louder than words. Take some time out… and use this time to centre your “self”.
The deck used for this month’s tarotscopes are from the self-published Star Tarot series by Cathy McClelland. What started as a 22-card Majors only deck is now in the process of being developed for a full 78-card deck to be published by Schiffer Publishing. You can get a sneak peak of the Minors on her website. Check back with Cathy on her website to see the progress of this beautiful deck! Used by generous permission.
Check out this month’s horoscopes too!
August 2014 Tarot Scopes
By Chris Alis
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