Free Daily Tarotscope — Aug 22, 2014 — Eight of Swords

Eight of Swords

Eight of Swords

Do you ever have a day when what you see isn’t necessarily what you get?

Today may be one of those days as the Moon is Void of Course in Cancer for most of the day, until it moves into Leo in the late afternoon (Eastern time). Mercury and Neptune are still in wide opposition, clouding what is around for you, messing with communications and just generally leading to miscommunications and possibly conflict if you do not make a point of checking the facts of a matter out thoroughly.

Look at the image in this card. The “real life” woman in this image does not correlate at all to the image in the mirror. How often do you find yourself not fitting into an image of yourself that you show to others or that others perceive you to be?

This is the message of the Eight of Swords… to free yourself of the bonds that bind you to what you are thinking of yourself (or a situation you are in) whilst at the same time not taking on the projections and judgements of others or “owning” them as though they were true.

Look to where your thoughts are taking over your reality of who you really are and what you can do.

As water stands for emotions the colour of the sea in this image alongside the wave formation suggests that you are feeling a bit sluggish and down in the dumps although not necessarily ready to create a tempest in any way, shape or form to rock the boat and release yourself from your own self imposed prison. I use the words “self imposed” as there is no one else in this image so what you are feeling is all down to your own doing and thoughts relating to yourself whether this be in your own life or as the “you” that is part of a relationship.

You feel trapped even though all the power is with you as suggested by the Seven Swords surrounding you. You have neither the will power, inclination or, it seems, the means necessary to reach for one of those swords as you are all tied up in knots and blinded to where the answers really lay.

Whatever you are thinking is not necessarily the whole picture because the true you is the image of the “real” person in this image… the one who stands tall and proud and is ready to take on anything that life throws at her. She is dressed in red, the colour of action, and pink, the colour of love and she, as your true self, is ready to step in and release you from what holds you back.




delannakPNGThe card used for today’s tarotscope — Eight of Swords — comes from the beautiful Anna K. Tarot, by Anna Klaffinger.

This deck was originally self-published and is available as such through Anna’s website.

 Llewellyn has picked up the rights to a commercial version which is available on the Llewellyn website




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