The Chariot
Today you’ll be thinking about taking greater control of your life and being a more active participant in your destiny.
The Chariot card speaks of getting into the driver’s seat and taking charge of where you’re heading — and that means you must also be willing to take responsibility for any missteps along the way.
In the past it may have been easier to blame outside forces for setbacks in your life. Or it may have felt safer to remain passive and allow others to take control. But the Chariot card says it’s time to step up, stop making excuses and start living your own life.
Traditional versions of this card are often more aggressive and chaotic, with the charioteer struggling to harness and rein in opposing forces. The emphasis is on concentration, restraint, determination and drive.
But this is a softer more zen-like version. The figure in the card with her long wild tresses streaming behind her is at “one” with the creatures on whose backs she glides. Her stance is placid and her command is gentle as she holds the reins in one hand and uses her other to remind them of just who is in charge. All three have their eyes closed and appear to be completely in sync as they move toward their destination.
This is the essence of the Chariot card. It’s the understanding that all parts of any “machine” have to operate in harmony in order to attain be effective. If you’re willing to embrace that philosophy — and if you can stand up and take hold of the reins in your own life — you can accomplish anything.
The card used for today’s tarotscope — the Chariot — is part of the Jaen Tarot by South Korean artist Ahnjaen.
This is a 22-card majors only deck that is distributed with a tarot journal and diary.
More information can be attained through Ahnjen’s website, ahnjen.com.
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