Six of Wands
Your heart soars as you race to victory on the wings of your own current good sense and ability to see the larger picture.
Is there something you have been aiming for that has possibly seemed out of reach? If so, this is the month to reach out, grab it and make it your own.
There is a sense of a deeper meaning to your quest as the circular images within the sunflowers show you that even as you think you are at the end of something you may actually be on the verge of something else.
You may not know where it will take you but what you do know is that it is for your greater good and that there is a fair degree of growth attached to it. Intellectually you are soaring.
This is a good day to put your head down and study or if you have written work to complete now is the time to do so. The path you are on is about to take you on a leap possibly beyond your wildest dreams and you should be aiming high as that star is easily within your reach.
Speaking of dreams… you may find that if you sit down and do a bit of day dreaming your goal will come to you sooner especially as your heart is attached to what you desire. This is a great time to do some manifesting when it comes to your love life.
The object of your affection looks to be new to your life and also seems to be linked to a wish you have made. Best sit down with that pen and paper and make a list of what you do want… and while you’re at it keep your thoughts away from what you don’t want.
The card used for today’s tarotscope — Six of Wands — is part of the self-published Star Tarot series by Cathy McClelland.
This is a 22-card Majors only deck which is sold out.
However Cathy has signed with Schiffer Publishing and is in the process of completing the deck. She is working on the Minors at present.
Check back with Cathy on her website to see the progress of this beautiful deck!
Used by generous permission.
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