Two of Wands
Be on the lookout today for opportunities that are available to you which might not be so readily apparent from your current vantage point.
The Two of Wands speaks of having put an initial plan into action (with the Ace of Wands) and seeing it starting to gather momentum. It means that something has started to happen — something big enough to assure you that you’re on the right track, but not well-thought out enough yet to ensure that it’s a go.
Mars is in Aries now and moving into trine with Jupiter, giving you both the optimism and the energy to see your goals to fruition. But you may need to get some altitude — like the cat perched on the highest limb of this tree — in order to get the clearest overview.
We can see that the cat is both patient and alert — two of the most important (and necessary) features of the Two of Wands, which are both captured here in the simple imagery of this card. It’s the ability to balance these two qualities that makes getting to the finish line possible.
Notice that the lower branch is forked, indicating earlier missteps or changes in plans. The cat has wisely lept up to a higher perch where he can get a better view of the road ahead of him.
The Two of Wands encourages you to expand your horizons and reach for broader vistas. It speaks of taking a look at your long-term goals and acting on them with courage and conviction. You’re already seeing how some moves are paying off, and are now in a position to take things to the next level.
If you’ve been hesitating due to fear or uncertainty, now is the time to put those worries aside. The Mars / Jupiter trine says that all you aspire to is now within your grasp; you only need to muster up the confidence to go after it.
Today’s card — Two of Wands — comes from the Phantomwise Tarot, designed by Erin Morgenstern, author of the NY TImes bestseller The Night Circus.
This deck was painted entirely in black and white acrylic and was at one time available through Adam McLean’s fantastic Alchemy Website but is now sold out.
Erin does sell limited edition prints through her Etsy storefront.
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