The Empress
With Venus moving in to Taurus today what better card to depict this than Elizabeth Josephine Gill’s Empress card, from the beautiful Gill Tarot collection.
You can almost see and feel the earth moving around the Empress as she sits soaking up the energy all around her. By giving to yourself and replenishing your own reserves of self love and acceptance you are better equipped to give to others.
Today is a day to get in touch with your true self and your own wants and needs. Usually the Empress card is about nourishing and taking care of others but as the image on this card implies you also need to give yourself that same exact, loving care.
You can do this by going deep within yourself and “listening” to what your “soul” is saying and allowing yourself to be nourished by stepping aside from your daily routine and being kind to yourself.
Pampering yourself should be high on your list of priorities today also as Venus in Taurus is about the finer things in life and immersing yourself in their enjoyment … savouring life through all five senses.
The New Moon in the sky (both in this card and in real life, as this day also features a prominent New Moon in Gemini at 7 °) speaks of a new chapter opening for you and if you have been feeling as if you are always giving and not receiving anything back it is time to stop, assess and come up with a new solution of having your own needs met.
Once you slow down enough to feel your true self you can see that the world is your oyster and are open to new opportunities coming into your life. If you find yourself in a situation today where you have to choose between someone else and yourself… choose yourself! It may not feel comfortable for you and if it doesn’t perhaps that is because it is something you need to do more of.
There is no shame in choosing “you” over someone else and look at the benefits this will bring you. With more self love and acceptance for yourself you will find this flowing out towards others where it then comes back to you. In other words… what you give out you get back.
Today’s card — the Empress– is from the Gill Tarot series by Elizabeth Josephine Gill.
This deck currently out of print but can be purchased through third party sellers through Amazon, in either deck, book or combo form.
The Gill Tarot was first published in 1991 by US Games.
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