Four of Swords
All things being balanced and even then I guess you have a decision to make.
The way forward for you today may not be as easy as you would like it to be. Both paths look equally appealing and both paths come with different dilemmas.
What will you do next? How will you do it? What will the repercussions of one decision be over another?
All these questions and more will need to be answered today for you to be able to get out of being stuck and confused and left starting at yourself (or selves) in the mirror.
Perhaps you are looking at your dilemma in the wrong way as it seems that whatever you do you come back to face your “self”.
Try stepping out of thinking of the impact of any decisions and choices you make today only affecting you and try weighting up what it may mean for other people.
You may find your way out of the never ending loop of thoughts which seem to be filling not only your consciousness but also your unconscious thoughts including your hopes, dreams and fears.
You certainly have the energy to get what you want but you are holding back for some reason and playing things around in your mind a little more than you need to.
There is a sense of right and wrong, angels and devils in this image…. which one are you and does it make you right or wrong?
The card used for today’s tarotscope — Four of Swords — is part of the the Dream Enchantress Tarot series, by Italian Artist Marco Nizzoli, who also gave us the fabulous Secret Tarot.
This is a Lo Scarabeo deck published by Llewellyn.
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