Eight of Swords
Are you feeling blocked or stuck in a situation or within yourself and unable to decide what to do?
The Eight of Swords often implies you are not seeing the full picture and from this image you can see you are perhaps a little confused in what you are seeing and also how you are reacting to things.
When you look in the mirror or when you look at yourself you may not be given yourself enough credit in being able to act in your own best interests.
The image of the tree in the mirror is like a barrier which gives the message that anything you do will not work as there is a problem no matter what you try thus keeping you trapped.
This sense of feeling trapped though is usually of your own doing as Swords stand for thoughts and ways of thinking.
There are images of wisdom in this image alongside what looks like two blades coming out of the woman’s back.
Do you feel as if someone has stabbed you in the back and you are unsure who you can trust?
Perhaps you need to look inside to your own inner wisdom and strength to carry you out of your self imposed prison as there is no one else in this image who can do it for you.
The beautiful green/blue hues of this card speak of healing and communication which means if you change your thoughts you can change the world around you and release yourself from whatever is holding you back and keeping you stuck.