What happens when an astrologer is given birth info for a client who does not know his or her exact birth time? Can an astrologer still interpret the natal chart? And what about relationship compatibility? Can the same be done with an unknown birth time for a love interest or relationship partner?
This week Chrisalis responds to a client with this exact dilemma; and yes there is much that can be interpreted, even without the exact time of birth:
Hello Chrisalis:
I’m curious about how all the planets line up for me. I know I’m a Capricorn but that’s about all I know. I wonder what you can tell me about where the planets were at the time of my birth and how that applies to me specifically. I don’t know my birth-time, and I’m also curious about my relationship with a man that I’ve been seeing. We had some bumps in the road and would like to know what to expect in the coming months. Thank you, Cathy.
Dear Cathy,
I’ve calculated your date/place/time birth and can tell you that even though your sun is in Capricorn….
Your moon is in Aries! Now that must be a bit of a surprise for you! Think of what Aries sun people are like and then take the emotional side of an Aries sun and that is your moon. Aries moons are quite fearless but they tend to jump into things quickly and then make a speedy exit. They also like a challenge. The man we have been discussing is an Aries sun he will also like a challenge. So you may both be finding that emotionally the thrill of the chase is keeping you both involved together as it is a challenge and a quest of winning someone over but once you have that person if they do not keep giving you a challenge they can become a bit boring and you may look for a challenge somewhere else.
The thing with Aries moons that I love is the way they look at life like it is one big adventure and things can change from day to day and also they are optimistic about life. I’m not quite sure at what degree your moon is as you did not have your precise time of birth but it would be between 6 and 18 degrees of Aries as that was the parameters of its stay in that sign on the day you were born… if you were born early in the morning then your moon would be triggered off next week. Also next week (on the 10th) we have a full moon, which will take place in your solar romance sector. The full moon each month sheds light on a particular area — and for you, this is romance! Pay attention to this time frame and see what you’re feeling with egards to this relationship.
The other thing about your birth chart was this… you had 3 planets in Virgo… Mars, Uranus and Pluto. Saturn transited through this sign for a good part of last year and this year will have been opposing your Moon (and your significant others’ Sun) at different points this year. You each may have found areas of your life that you felt constricted with and I think that the last few months would have been a period of that time. It is also a time that lessons in life are sent to us and it only happens once every 29 years on the transits you have with it just now.
You also had Mercury and Venus in Sagittarius and they were both conjunct also (= sitting on top of each other)… they would give you are great way with people — you would be very good at communicating and would probably love foreign lands and travelling and philosophy and people who talked about these things with you. Sagittarius is known as the lucky sign and Venus is the planet of love and Mercury is the planet of communication so this is a great thing to have.
Hope you have found this interesting.
As always we’ll be offering astrological insights into questions submitted by our readers. Although names will be changed and birth data omitted (in order to preserve confidentiality), each column will feature actual questions submitted by readers. Click here for more information about us.
If you would like either of us (or both) to take a stab at your questions, please email us, or submit them (along with the birth date, time and place of birth for each person) right in the comments section below. Remember, all comments are moderated, so we’ll be sure to edit out your birth data and any personal or identifying information before it’s publicly posted. If you have any concerns about this process feel free to message us here. Although we won’t be able to respond to every question, we’ll select those that best suit the current astrological themes and post our responses here.
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