Ask the Astrologers: What Do Our Transits Hold?


A client who we’ll call Anna wrote in to ask about her and her ex-lover’s current and upcoming transits.

She has been seeing a man for a year and a half before he broke up with her in late April. At the time he told her he was confused about his feelings and was thinking about someone he’d met and dated before.

Anna has some knowledge of astrology herself and has looked into each of their transits trying to make sense of things.

She concluded that the breakup was showing in both of their natal charts; yet she does understand that transits move and the energy shifts, meaning that once some of the more difficult transits lift, things may very well change.

Mercury Retrograde January 2015

Mercury Retrograde

Just after the sun goes into Aquarius right on a New Moon on January 20, 2015 we are visited again (on the 21st) by that pesky little thing known as Mercury turning retrograde.

This time it is in Aquarius which is the sign of geniuses as that lightening quick energy of Uranus (Aquarius’ ruling planet) mingles with Mercury (planet of communication).

You can imagine many things can go wrong with the combination of Mercury retrograde in Aquarius and you are not far off the mark there.

Be prepared for thoughts just hitting you out of nowhere and then be prepared for feeling frustrated in not being able to follow them up.

You might also want to give some thought to electrical gadgets going haywire and making sure that everything is in tip top shape so no further damage can be done.

Personally, I like the sound of Mercury retrograde in Aquarius.It should bring out some plans that are about your future, allow you to see things from different angles that you may not usually take into consideration and also not keep you as heavily bound down as some of the other signs Mercury could’ve turned retrograde in.

Aquarius is an air sign and Mercury usually does pretty well when travelling through air signs as they rule communication, thinking and ideas.

December 2014 Tarot Scopes featuring the Ceccoli Tarot

Aries:  Empress

It may be time to start treating yourself as a Queen and putting your own needs and wants first rather than doing what everyone else wants you to do and scrutinising over every decision and move you make.

If you were looking for a promotion at work you will need to be equally on the alert that you are not seen as someone who is not able to stand their ground and do what is needed.

Because while others see you as no threat they will pass by you and possibly go over you when it comes to a promotion at work which leaves you back at square one.

On the other hand if you are taking care of or nurturing someone else this is an excellent month for you as you seem to know just what to do or say at the right moment.

Relationships may be coming under scrutiny for you and your own place within the relationship being put under the microscope so to speak.

Don’t be afraid to make the changes you see needed change and don’t be held back by over analysing everything around you.

Everyone has the right to do what is best for them and from the image on this card there doesn’t look like there is any chance you would hurt someone in the purpose.

Ask the Tarot: Is That all There Is?

ask the tarot

We received the following question from a reader who has questions about her marriage:

My name is Sage (not real name) and I am married and I am constantly struggling to know if I made the right choice in marrying him. I often feel there is more for me or a better match. And while my husband is great, loving devoted and financially supportive I am not sure I can stay for the rest of my life with him and have kids with him…

I am not sure what information you need but I want to know if I am deep down destined to be with someone else or if I have found the person I am meant to be with and I should just live my life with them. Please help me I am a bit of an emotional mess.

Ask the Astrologers: Is it Really Over?

Is it Really Over?

A client, we shall call Jane, asks on her 2 year strong relationship which ended suddenly in April.

She suspects Mars retrograde is the culprit and I agree this may have played a part but there were some other astrological players at the same time which continue to weave their way through both her and his charts.

With the overall energy of Mars retrograde and the other transits which were also going on during this time you can get an idea of how looking at both birth charts gives an invaluable understanding of what else may be hidden under the surface, how long it will last for and what you can do to lessen the impact upon yourself. Let’s look at what was happening in April and what is coming up in the new few months.

Ask the Astrologers: When Saturn Comes to Call


This question is related to choosing between putting down roots after having a life full of travel and adventure and looking at the birth chart to see what is going on now and the transits which shall shortly hit the chart to glean insight into what is to happen next.

Our client “Mary” has written to ask about transitioning from the very rich and rewarding life she’s created for herself (seeing the world, traveling, volunteering and applying her skills to altruistic ventures in foreign lands, etc) to a more “normal” and settled existence back home.

Chrisalis takes a look at the current transits as they apply to Mary’s natal chart.

Her chart is full of freedom, excitement and new learning experiences and as Saturn comes closer to the natal node it shows what can occur within the person and around them.

Ask the Astrologers: Long Distance Relationships

long distance relationship

This week’s question relates to a relationship which has been long distance for the past 18 months. Different parts of the respective charts will be looked at in order to ascertain if either or both are willing to move.

Who is the most flexible with this? And what the impending eclipse of November 25 may mean for their relationship.

Dear Chrisalis, I’m at a crossroads with my boyfriend of 4 yrs. We’ve been in a long distance relationship for the last year and a half. We do see each other several times a year and we speak every day.

But this is getting old and I want to figure out a way to be together (which means moving to the same place or one of us relocating to where the other one lives). Otherwise I think we need to just decide to go our separate ways. What do you see happening? ~ Katie

Interpreting a Chart with No Known Birth Time

What happens when an astrologer is given birth info for a client who does not know his or her exact birth time?  Can an astrologer still interpret the natal chart? And what about relationship compatibility? Can the same be done with an unknown birth time for a love interest or relationship partner?

This week Chrisalis responds to a client with this exact dilemma; and yes there is much that can be interpreted, even without the exact time of birth:

Hello Chrisalis:

I’m curious about how all the planets line up for me.  I know I’m a Capricorn but that’s about all I know.  I wonder what you can tell me about where the planets were at the time of my birth and how that applies to me specifically.  I don’t know my birth-time, and I’m also curious about my relationship with a man that I’ve been seeing. We had some bumps in the road and would like to know what to expect in the coming months. Thank you, Cathy. 

Ask the Astrologers — Taking your Relationship to the Next Level

taking things to the next level

This month we’re excited to announce the Ask the Astrologers column, which will become a regular feature of this blog. On what will hopefully become a regular basis, we’ll be offering astrological insights into questions about relationships, money, career, family, and a variety of other topics as submitted by our readers.

Although names will be changed and birth data omitted (in order to preserve confidentiality), each column will feature actual questions submitted by readers.

We plan to share the column and combine insights whenever possible, because we do each offer a unique astrological perspective. And while we can’t guarantee that specific questions will be selected in any given month, we encourage you to submit them.