Aries: The Chariot
With Mars (your ruler) now moving forward again in its own sign, this should be a great month for you to work on harnessing your personal power and manifesting your goals.
This is the Chariot card from the New Palladini Tarot. It’s associated with courage, determination, stamina and self-control.
The Chariot card is associated astrologically with the sign Cancer, which the Moon rules. In that respect it’s a reminder of how divergent forces in all of our lives — light vs. dark, positive vs. negative, instinct vs. action, etc. — compete with one another for control.
The figure in the card stares straight ahead, wearing a Sphinx hood and golden chainmail, and weilding a mighty sword. The Chariot’s wheels replicate the Sun shining high in the sky, just as the hawk’s gaze replicates the Charioteer’s.
You may be called upon to both maintain control and harness the opposing forces in your life. Whether this is related to relationship, career, or the dual desires within your own psyche, the challenge will be to find a way to pull your energy inward and funnel it outward into one solid direction.
You can accomplish a lot through sheer force and determination — as long as you’re aware of the need to focus your energy in one primary direction. You’ll have find a way to balance the diverging energies in your life. But if you can “pull it together” you’ll make great strides toward accomplishing your goals.
TAURUS: Four of Coins
This month you want to be thinking about aligning yourself with a prosperity consciousness and making your money work for you.
The Four of Coins is sometimes just the opposite — holding too tightly to what you have or being too resistant to change.
But as you can see from the joyful figure in this card, it doesn’t have to be. It’s the difference between allowing yourself to be trapped by the reality you’ve created for yourself, and seeing it as a living, breathing and growing extension of you.
The Four of Coins — this version from the gorgeous Chinese Tarot by Jui Guoliang — can refer to a poverty consciousness or a hoarding mentality that creates blockages in your life and prevents new things from coming in.
In this regard it’s also about trust — or a lack of trust more specifically. The implication is that someone could take something from you (something you’ve ascribed a false sense of value to), which prompts you to hold on even more tightly (or hide it away).
This is an important reminder that the fear that something could be taken away from you can prevent you from allowing something new to come in. But loosening up the strings a bit — like the figure in this card — can shatter that concept and turn it on its head.
Remember that the Universe doesn’t appreciate a vacuum. Letting go of your fears and aligning yourself with this consciousness can let the darkness (avarice, hoarding) out and the light (enlightenment, prosperity) in. Think about sharing what you have with others this month, and giving something back.
GEMINI: Three of Wands
This month you may be looking for ways to branch out and expand your horizons. This is likely to be a time when you strive to move ahead, which also means leaving something behind. Something like a dull dreary existence or a reality that no longer suits you.
It may mean taking a risk, striking out toward unchartered territories and expanding your horizons so far and wide that you not only don’t know where the road you’re on will lead, but you’re ready to make your imprint on it wherever you go.
The Three of Wands — this version from the Faerie Tarot — is a card of expectation and anticipation. It’s says that you’ve already started to hit your stride.
It says you’ve already done the groundwork and are now ready to strike out and make all that you’ve dreamed of a reality.
It’s about opening the door to possibility and setting your sites on distant horizons. What can I do with what I already have to make a difference in the world? What do I have to offer that will bring the greatest reward? These are the questions you want to be asking yourself right now.
The Three of Wands encourages you to push past your limitations and expand your worldview. It will mean stepping outside of your comfort zone and exploring uncharted territories. And while you may run into pitfalls or have to take detours along the way, know that these are often blessings in disguise that can open you up a whole new world of opportunities.
Cancer: Two of Pentacles
This month you may be reflecting on the changes that you need to make to bring your world back into balance.
The Two of Pentacles — this version from the Crystal Tarot — is all about finding a comfortable compromise between opposing forces. That could mean between work and play, head and heart, fantasy and reality or material vs. spiritual values.
In this version of the card, we see the Sun shining brightly in the sky and a flower-like disk reflected below. The two birds hovering in the upper corners of the card appear to be lifting the Sun, while two plants sprouting from the earth appear to be anchored to the flower.
The smiling face on the Sun is replaced by an inverted Venus symbol stamped on the flower’s face.
What’s apparent on the surface (the Sun in this case) is not literally reflected beneath the surface (the flower), but is instead a complementary force.
The Two of Pentacles reminds us of the need to remain centered, despite all the changes that are taking place all around us. It asks us to attend to one set of interests without neglecting another. And it reminds us to balance priorities by devoting as much time to the meaningful areas in our lives (friends, family, spiritual fulfilment, etc.) as we do to those that require our attention.
You may find yourself needing to weigh your options and bring all the disparate areas of your life into harmony. Whether that means responsibilities vs. pleasure and play, or relationships vs. autonomy or up time (productivity) vs. down time (rest), it will be up to you to find ways to answer the call of each. Giving into one desire without neglecting another should be foremost on your list.
LEO: Two of Cups
Sparks may fly for you this month in the romance department. Whether you’re in an established relationship or just venturing out into the dating scene, there’s an animal magnetism present that gets you in sync with others who are on the same wavelength.
This is the Two of Cups from the Mary-el Tarot. It indicates an attraction or bond — a “love connection” — with someone you’ve developed an interest in. There’s an implicit “opposites attract” energy present here, as seen in the figures depicted on this card.
The red horse is clearly “masculine:” He’s confident, driven, passionate and aggressive. The white horse is more “feminine:” she’s timid, gentle, passive and subdued. These terms don’t refer to gender stereotypes; they describe a union of opposites regardless of sex or sexual orientation.
The concepts of opposites attracting and anima / animus projections are beautifully referenced here. The masculine and feminine archetypes depicted on this card are just as powerful as they are simplistic.
There’s a synergy that pulls two people together and echoes their feelings back to one another. In this respect the Two of Cups is more about falling in love with yourself, as seen through your loved one’s eyes.
If you meet someone new this month, consider it an opportunity for growth. It could be the yin to your yang — or it could just be a friend who shows you the true meaning of the word. You may also be working on revamping your current connection or reuniting with a loved one. Whichever it is, be grateful for the opportunity to see yourself through someone else’s eyes.
VIRGO: Ten of Wands
Has it seemed like it’s been all work and no play for you in recent days? The Ten of Wands — this version from the Light Seer’s Tarot — can feel like you’re carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, or are so consumed with work that you have no time left for anything else.
You might experience this first hand on the job or in a stressful relationship or even in your own head. If you’ve been giving — of your time, energy, money, affection — until you find you have nothing left to give, that is the essence of the Ten of Wands.
You may be questioning whether something is worth putting more effort and energy into — such as a job, a relationship, or a business venture that’s not paying off — or whether it’s time to throw in the towel.
You may also feel like you’re carrying “extra baggage,” whether this refers to your own struggles or those of someone else. You may have taken on someone else’s problems, rather than letting them iron them out themselves.
You may be overwhelmed with all that’s laid out before you and you may be wondering whether you even have it in you to keep on going. But as you can see from this card there’s no turning back. There are obligations and responsibilities to uphold as well as people who depend on you who’d likely be hurt by your neglect. The question you might want to ask yourself today is this: “Is life (or love) supposed to be this hard?” The value of whatever it is that’s taxed you to your limits probably needs to be reassessed.
The weight of responsibilities you’ve taken on may seem like a heavy load — too heavy in fact for just one person to carry. The Ten of Wands says it’s time to lighten your load. Get rid of what is no longer worth holding onto, and work on salvaging what’s left.
Libra: The Empress
This month is going to be more about getting in touch with your feminine side — your loving, nurturing and caring side — than it will be about getting down to “business.”
The Empress card — this version from the beautiful Archeon Tarot — is associated with beauty, creativity and love.
She represents the aspects of ourselves that evoke the principles of feminine strength and power. As the counterpart to the Emperor card, this archetype is all about the yin or feminine aspects of parental authority and protection, regardless of gender.
Where the Emperor focuses on wisdom, stability and responsibility, the Empress relates more to nurturing, comfort, support and emotional security. It is the “Earth Mother” archetype personified.
This card represents fertility and abundance. Surrounding yourself with all things living and growing. Being in touch with the earth and your sexuality, as well as your ability to create and foster life.
The Empress is a mother, as depicted in this card. But that doesn’t always translate literally. It can refer to mothering impulses, such as tending to the needs of others. She’s surrounded by flowers and herbs in this card, and if you look closely you can see that even her headdress and gown are “alive” with plant-life and forest greenery. This is the essence of the Empress card.
You do want to make sure you’re not neglecting your own needs while you’re busy taking care of others. You want to tend to your own gardens and nourish your own soul. But as you can see in the imagery in this card, what you give out will come back to you in ways that reverberate endlessly.
Scorpio: Five of Swords
This month your goal should be to work on finding balance in your life, rather than allowing yourself to be weighted down by outside obstacles and restrictions.
The Five of Swords — this version from the beautiful Yoga Tarot — usually denotes friction, sharp words with others or even legal disputes.
However, the imagery on this version looks as if the friction, negative thoughts or any disputes you are having are within your “self” and it is time to look within for the answers and seek inner clarity.
There is something very “night and day” about this card. It is as if you can just extend your hand through an invisible shield and there you have the opposite thought, feeling or circumstance to what you are experiencing now in the present.
You are poised, you are in alignment, you are concentrating and yet what you see is a mirror image with perhaps no answers just yet in what you are trying to achieve and indeed what you may be trying to achieve is calmness and contemplation itself without the need to act or speak out.
To just let all around you take its course while you remain calm and untouched yet always with the awareness of what is going on without and within you. This is a card you can come back to again and again over the next several weeks as Mercury and then the Sun move into your sign and the New Moon takes place there later in the month.
Be aware of your thoughts changing, your inner dialogue expanding and what these differences mean to you at that time. Do not try to hold onto emotions that come up for you… let them go… remain in the present and enjoy the experience of looking at yourself reflected perfectly as you are in the present moment.
Sagittarius: The World
Are you ready to turn over a new leaf? Put the past behind you and turn your life around?
This month you’re going to have the opportunity to do just that as your ruler (Jupiter) joins Saturn and both of then move into Aquarius.
The World card — the version from Nigel Jackson’s Fortuna’s Wheel Tarot — is all about coming full circle, closing the door on one chapter in your life and preparing to open another.
It represents a time when you can get a clear overview of what you’ve accomplished and gain a fresh perspective.
What do have you accomplished this year that has not only worked for you but has worked so well that you want to carry it forward into the new year? And what would you rather leave behind, knowing it either just wasn’t working or is no longer conducive to your growth?
These are the questions you want to be asking yourself this month — along with “What changes can I make in the new year and what resolutions am I willing to commit to?”
The World card is a card of both fulfillment and completion. With that in mind, it’s time to put the finishing touches on projects that are almost finished, and also time to rest anything that just didn’t pan out for you. You’re preparing to start a whole new journey, and in doing so will want to with as clean a slate as possible.
CAPRICORN: Six of Earth
This month, with Saturn (your ruling planet) leaving your sign and moving into Aquarius, you are likely to feel like a weight is being lifted off of your shoulders.
Jupiter also enters Aquarius and the two of them begin moving through your 2nd house, the area associated with money, material possessions and values.
As a result, you may be called upon to open your heart and loosen your purse strings, as a measure of generosity and good will.
The Six of Earth is the Vision Quest Tarot’s version of the Six of Pentacles. It’s all about benevolence — giving what you can afford to give: whether it’s of your time, your money or your energy — to someone who needs it more than you do.
This card speaks of understanding the pathways between giving and receiving, to the extent that there are no expectations for being repaid. You give because you can and because the gratitude you receive in exchange is more than enough reward.
The Six of Pentacles serves as a reminder to pay attention to (and be grateful for) the blessings that you receive. You may find yourself loosening your purse strings after all, or you may find yourself the recipient of someone else’s good will.
AQUARIUS: Ace of Swords
Your card this month is the the Ace of Swords — this version from the Morgan Greer Tarot. It’s all about gaining the insight that is necessary to make decisions that are best for you.
With both Saturn and Jupiter moving into your sign this month, you may find yourself feeling more energetic and inspired to make big changes in your life.
The Ace of Swords can be victorious or it can be defiant. And there’s no saying which one this one is. But that’s also a part of taking back your power — deciding whether you want to wield your sword for the greater good or use it as a weapon.
This Sword has its own electrical current. Perhaps it’s stopped a bolt of lightning dead in its tracks, or has harnessed its own energy which is just as powerful.
Some things to think about this month: First of all, your actions can have far reaching consequences (notice the ripples in the pond). And secondly, no matter how small or alone you feel in the world, you absolutely do have the capacity to make your presence known.
You do want to be mindful of what you put out there this month. The Ace of Swords can have a dual meaning just as the blade itself is double edged. You want to be aware of your words as well as your actions and the impact those have one others.
Think about what’s been weighing on your mind in recent weeks that now needs to be decided once and for all. And what discussion needs to be had in order to iron out any differences. The Ace of Swords encourages you to wield your sword not as a weapon but as a conduit for fairness and honesty.
Pisces: The Moon
This month’s New Moon takes place in your 4th house, the area associated with home, heritage, family, the past and the subconscious mind.
As a result this should be a time for getting in touch with your feelings and emotions, and getting a better understanding of your doubts, insecurities and fears.
This is the Moon card from Paulina Cassidy’s Joie de Vivre Tarot. It is tied to the hidden and mysterious realm of the unconscious, from which all of our instincts and emotions arise.
When we’re aligned with that part of ourselves and in sync with our emotions, everything seems to just fall into place — and when we’re not, all hell can break loose.
You may be grappling with irrational fears and anxieties, wondering how much of what you’re feeling is real. The Moon card can indicate a distorted perception of reality, based on your own apprehensions.
The Moon card can also represent confusion, uncertainty or paranoia, especially if you’re trying to analyze things logically, which is foreign to the realm of the Moon. It can make you feel disoriented and unsettled. Just as we can’t fully appreciate the beauty of the Moon in the light of day (consciousness), we struggle to grasp its archetypal meaning through the lens of logic or reason.
You can quiet your fears by reminding yourself that you won’t be left permanently in the dark. The Moon card reminds us that things are still “up in the air” and that the future has not yet been written. There’s still much to do and still time time to achieve the outcome you desire. You can work on curtailing some of the more harrowing elements of this card (doubt, fear, suspicion and paranoia) and tap into the more uplifting aspects (intuition, perception, sensitivity and discernment) instead.
This month’s tarotscopes feature some of Ask the Astrologers all time favorite cards.
We hope you like them too!
Don’t forget to check out this month’s Horoscopes too!
December 2020 Tarot Scopes

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