Free Daily Tarotscope — Jan 17, 2014 — Ten of Wands

Ten of Wands

Ten of Wands

Are you feeling a little grey and forlorn but want others to see you as colorful and happy?

Do you find yourself hiding behind a false persona and not yet ready to show yourself as you really are?

There is a situation going on around you just now that you are not ready to face.

You are taking some “time out” and do not wish to show your true colours (or your hand) in what you are truly thinking or what you are going to do next.

The path you stand on looks a bit precarious to me so you may wish to take a few moments to yourself and decide what your next step will be.

There is only so long you can push others away especially when you are not standing on firm ground yourself.  You are not ready for what is to come next.

You need some time to gather yourself and decide what your next course of action will be.

You’ve done a great job so far in not allowing others to see how you are really feeling but it’s getting to the time where you’re going to have to make a decision and stand by it.

The first step in your decision making process may need to be asking yourself the question “what am I ready for just now?

steampunk-setToday’s card — Ten of Wands — is part of the Steampunk Tarot series designed and illustrated by Charissa Drengsen.

The Steampunk Tarot is sold through Charissa’s shop at Etsy!  

There’s also a companion book available through Amazon

It is also available as an Android app.

Please also check out and “like” her Facebook fan page.

Used by generous permission.

Check out more daily tarot scopes or visit our Shop.


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