Free Daily Tarotscope — Mar 2, 2015 — Knight of Cups

Knight of Cups

Knight of Cups

Today you may find yourself the happy recipient of a pleasant surprise, an unexpected gift, or reassurances of love and affection from someone near and dear to your heart.

The Knight of Cups may represent a person in your life; if so he or she may come sweeping in, professing feelings of love and adoration that are going to be hard to resist.

As Venus conjuncts the South Node today, your “knight in shining armor” may even be someone from your past, as in a past life connection or an old flame.

The Knight of Cups — this version from the Connolly Tarot — is a sensitive and romantic individual (usually male) who leads with his heart. He’s in love with love and may be somewhat moody or overly sentimental.

This version is ardent and passionate as well: notice the vivid reds and fuschias that are so prominent in this card. In addition to the skyline, there’s his cloak and his gloves and the plumes in his helmet — and even the horse’s tassels are bathed in hot pink.

This Knight isn’t messing around: He’s going all out — or all in in this case — as evidenced by the single red (representing love) and white (representing marriage) roses he lifts up in his golden chalice.

While today’s news may not manifest as an actual proposal, be prepared for good news or some validation of your feelings — if only a small gesture. While the Knight of Cups is known for his extravagance, he can also be quite subtle. He may just sneak up on you when you least expect it.





Today’s card — Knight of Cups — is from the Connolly Tarot by Eileen and Peter Paul Connolly.

Eileen is a prolific writer who has penned several other tarot books and has also joined forces with her son Peter Paul on the beautiful Feng Shui Tarot

Both are highly recommended.

This deck is published by US Games



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