Free Daily Tarotscope — May 11, 2014 — Four of Cups

four of cups

Four of Cups

Are you looking at your relationship now and asking yourself “Is that all there is?” Or perhaps you’re feeling frustrated with the lack of potential partners, and wondering if there’s something you can do to move past that sense of feeling stuck.

The Four of Cups — called “boredom” in this deck — refers to to that nagging feeling of discontent that is associated with the grass being greener on the other side. It can drain your motivation and dull your sense of wonder and inspiration.

Notice the Deer and the Peacock drinking from the waters of life at the bottom corners of this card. And all around the borders are vines growing, lush and fertile. And here you sit in the middle feeling “bored.”

This is not normal boredom either.  It is the type of boredom that originates out of a few frustrations and setbacks that you can’t seem to think your way out of and your thoughts may actually be your worst enemy.

With Mercury squaring Neptune today and Mars in opposition to Venus you can get an idea of where these frustrations are coming from. Although Mercury, ruler of Gemini is in its own sign today along with Neptune, ruler of Pisces in its own sign they are forming a square (90 degree angle) to each other and this spells tension. 

The usual quick mental process of Mercury in Gemini is hampered and held back as Neptune in Pisces brings a dreamy more intuitive aspect that may cloud what is in your mind and what is actually going on around you.

Do not get caught up in your own fears as they may actually have no foundation and if you act on them you may be in for more drama than you are ready for.

Alongside this, Mars and Venus — the planets of war and love — are also opposing each other (and in mutual reception), which further intensifies what’s really going on for you and hampering your success to see your way clear.

There is some danger with the Four of Pentacles — as with all Fours — of getting so stuck in the groove of a situation that you stagnate within it.  Don’t let your mental and emotional processes rule what today is about for you instead you may wish to use them to get yourself out of that box and release any negative thoughts that have been imprisoning you in the first place.


Today’s tarotscope — Four of Cups — is part of the Greenwood Tarot series by Chesca Potter and Mark Ryan, published by Thorson Publications. This deck — the precursor to the beautiful Wildwood Tarot — is now out of print. For more information on these beautiful cards — including interpretations for each card in the deck — please visit the Voice Within the Cards blog. 

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