Ace of Wands
The world is your oyster today with a grand trine of planets in fire signs. As the Ace of Wands is the beginning of the fire sign energy in the tarot pack what better card to focus on for today.
It stands for energy, new projects, launching yourself in a different way — whether this be outwards in something you do differently in your life or inwards in something you start believing about yourself, which will propel you forward toward accomplishing your goals.
Mars, Jupiter and Uranus are in a grand trine today which gives you the extra energy (in abundance) to plow through anything you need to do.
This is also a great combination of planets as it generally heralds a time where you can work in a complementary way with what you have around you.
Mars gives you energy, Jupiter gives you luck and expansion of ideas whilst Uranus is the wild child and can turn your luck in any given direction.
Keep this in mind with what you plan to do today as you may find that circumstances change for you and you are sent in a totally different direction to that which you first started.
The Ace of Wands shows the dragon curled around the Ace of Wands with the gems in alignment with the heart area.
The colour of these gems reflect perfectly the energy from Mars and also its energy working through your heart chakra bringing into life anything you set your mind to… and water it with love.
Do not be surprised if you sense divine inspiration around you today especially as the crystal balls in this image show that even if you are not focussed on what is happening it will come up to hit you in the face anyway. By allowing this energy into your life you may accomplish that which you thought never possible.
Today’s card — Ace of Wands — comes from the Crystal Visions Tarot by Jennifer Galasso.
This beautiful deck — and individual prints — can be purchased directly from her Shop.
Please visit and “like” her Facebook Fan Page.
This deck — published by U.S. Games — is also available as for download through the Fool’s Dog website.
Used by generous permission.
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