How many of us have been in the position this week’s client finds herself in? Unhappy in a long-term relationship that appears to have run its course, while at the same time intrigued by someone new and exciting and most of all different.
What are the chances that a new relationship begun before an old one has ended can work? And how does astrology help us determine the potential outcome for each choice?
If you’ve ever been in this client’s shoes — at a relationship cross-roads — you’ll know what a difficult dilemma she faces.
This week Melodie sorts through it all by comparing her natal chart to each of her prospective partner’s, as well as a synopsis of the aspects, transits and synastry for all:
Dear Melodie,
I’m thinking of ending a relationship with my long-term partner as I find myself attracted to another man. I’m curious about the long term potential with this man. We haven’t gone out yet but I can tell he’s attracted to me and has already hinted around about getting together over the next few weeks. I’m really at a cross-roads here.
What can you tell me about our chances?
~ Karen
Hi Karen, thanks for providing the birth information for both of these men. I hope I can give you some clear insight as I got the sense from your letter that you’re reluctant to sever ties with your partner (Michael) until you know whether there’s a future with Drew.
First of all, I want to caution you about making a decision of this magnitude based on what might happen with either of these men. With that said, I looked at both of them with respect to your needs and to the current and upcoming astrological trends.
I can tell you that Michael is a much better choice if what you’re looking for is stability, consistency and longevity. He’s also a more sensitive, devoted and loving man. He has a Cancer sun and Pisces moon; you can’t get much more intimate than that. You actually both have Pisces moons, and that tells us that you express feelings and affection in similar ways and that you also have similar emotional needs. Additionally, your Venus (love planet) falls right across his marriage axis: this tells us that he sees you as beautiful – even if you don’t see that in yourself.
Drew on the other hand is almost the exact opposite of Michael. He’s very unpredictable, changeable, restless and easily-distracted. He is playful, spontaneous, funny and charming. In fact he has a boyish / peter pan type energy about him that I imagine is appealing to you given your current transits. As with Michael, there are some strong connections between yours and Drew’s charts. However they are very transitory, ie fleeting — and I suspect that the very qualities that are so attractive to you now would ultimately become exhausting.
When I looked at the type of woman he’s attracted to (strong, independent, ambitious), it fits you to a “T.” But applying those same principles to your chart, he only marginally captures the essence of your relationship paradigm.
My sense with Drew is that he would be a great romantic partner if what you were interested in were a short-term or temporary diversion. He would be exciting and fun, but would be unlikely to stick around or to even want an exclusive relationship. Michael on the other hand looks like he can be passive and lack motivation but would stick it out with you for the long haul.
You’ve got a difficult decision to make and so I offer you a word of caution. In looking at all of your transits (think of these as indicators of events that are transpiring in your life) I suspect that you will end up throwing caution to the wind and “going for it” with Drew. Because a relationship with him is unlikely to last – and because Michael is unlikely to be the type to forgive and forget – please be sure you consider all of the consequences of your actions before you act. Michael’s transits show strong potential for endings now, and these are most pronounced around the third week of January. Your transits are showing the propensity for erratic or impulsive behavior, which has been quite strong since around Dec 10. Drew’s chart doesn’t have any significant “new romance” transits for several months, and in fact one of his strongest current transits (Saturn square his natal Venus) is not favorable for relationship at all.
I hope this has been helpful for you, even though I know it must not be what you were hoping to hear. Please let us know what you end up deciding.
As always we’ll be offering astrological insights into questions submitted by our readers. Although names will be changed and birth data omitted (in order to preserve confidentiality), each column will feature actual questions submitted by readers. Click here for more information about us.
If you would like either of us (or both) to take a stab at your questions, please email us, or submit them (along with the birth date, time and place of birth for each person) right in the comments section below. Remember, all comments are moderated, so we’ll be sure to edit out your birth data and any personal or identifying information before it’s publicly posted. If you have any concerns about this process feel free to message us here. Although we won’t be able to respond to every question, we’ll select those that best suit the current astrological themes and post our responses here.
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