Free Daily Tarotscope — Feb 28, 2014 — Death

Death card


Today you may be putting to rest something that is no longer conducive to your growth.

The Death card is not a literal death — it refers to an ending and a letting go of something that you no longer need — whether you realize that or not. Sometimes this is a painful ending — as in the end of a relationship, the loss of a job, a friend that moves away, etc.

So there are tears and mourning and a period of recovery, but also a rejoicing in the new opportunities that this loss affords you.

The Death card is more about transitions than it is about endings. But we tend to not see it that way when we lose someone (or something) we love. Additionally, we usually don’t consider something we give up willingly to be a “loss.” In this respect it’s not a happy transition — at least not until what’s been taken has been restored.

The woman in this card appears to be floating in a sea of blood. A Vulture stands near ready to pick her carcass clean. As macabre as this may seem, it aptly describes what the most excruciating losses feel like to those who’ve experienced them. 

If you’ve recently suffered this kind of painful ending in some area of your life, just know that the Universe does not appreciate a vacuum and will replenish what’s been lost. Keep that in mind too if you’re contemplating a major life change: sometimes the only way to go is to let go. The Death card teaches us that.


This beautiful card is part of the Secret Language of Birds Tarot series by Adele Nozedar (author) and Linda Sutton (artist). Distributed by Schiffer Publishing

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