Articles for this day of June 3, 2019

Weekly Astrology Forecast — Jun 3, 2019 – Jun 9, 2019:


Here is the Ask the Astrologers Weekly Astro Forecast for the week of Jun 3, 2019 – Jun 9, 2019:

This week starts with a New Moon on Monday, at 12º Gemini 33. There are lots of positive aspects associated with the Gemini Moon: insatiable curiosity for one thing, and playfulness for another. Wit, charm and charisma for a few more. It’s also good for socializing and interacting with others. 

The New Moon phase is very much alive. Everything seems fresh and new and each experience brings with it something you hadn’t paid attention to before. It’s a time for laughter and gaiety, spontaneity and companionship.

This is especially fitting of the Gemini Moon, which is known for being restless and changeable, and now more than ever with the Moon and Mercury in mutual reception.