Articles for this day of July 1, 2020

July 2020 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Aries: Four of Wands

This month — with your ruling planet (Mars) back in your sign, you should feel like you’re getting your second wind and making strides toward accomplishing what you’ve set out to do.

The Four of Wands — this version from the Sun and Moon Tarot — delivers a boost of confidence and a renewed sense of validation, It encourages you to push past  limitations and reach for the stars.

This card is all about reflecting on accomplishments and looking forward to where those accomplishments may lead. It speaks of rejoicing and celebrating — whether this means planning for a party or special event, or getting yourself out of the doldrums and washing away the blues.

The Four of Wands takes the “dream big” energy that came with the Three of Wands and turns it into something tangible, solid and lasting. It represents a joyous celebration: a marriage, a promotion, the birth of a child.

It tells you that “this is only the beginning” of something you’ve already established and that it’s going to just keep getting better and better. It’s not the time to isolate or withdraw from social opportunities. Look around you and take note of all you’ve accomplished thus far. Chances are good there’s a lot to be grateful for and a cause for celebration right there in front of you.