The month begins with a new Moon on August 4th and a Mercury retrograde on August 5th, and a conjunction with Mercury and Venus on August 7th.
The new Moon happens at 12° Leo 34’, where the Sun also resides as both the Sun and the Moon are conjunct during any new Moon. This gives one an opportunity to focus on the self, your own personal goals and your desires so give yourself some time for introspection about what you want to manifest in your life. Make it so.
Venus is moving towards a conjunction with Mercury in the first week of the month. Since Venus and Mercury are friendly with each other, this conjunction provides opportunities for improvement in the areas of communication, travel, social connections and relationships. Mercury and Venus will have an exact conjunction on August 7th at 3° Virgo.
Mercury does well in Virgo as he rules that sign but Venus isn’t so comfy there as it is opposite her sign of exaltation in Pisces and Virgo energy tends to be picky and fussy about details. It’s a very princess and the pea kind of energy, if you remember that fairy tale. Just be aware of this tendency and plan to temper your annoyances about things not being perfect.
Mercury goes retrograde on August 5th, at 4° Virgo and goes back to 21° Leo on August 28th as that is the day he goes direct and proceeds to move over those degrees he retrograded over through the 10th of September.