Today you may be called upon to make a decision that is fair and just — without regard your own personal investment or leanings. The Justice card refers to a conscious awareness of cause and effect, action and consequence, right and wrong.
It may be a situation that you’re personally involved in, such as a relationship that tugs at your heartstrings but is not aligned with your principles. Or you may be asked to mediate a disagreement among friends or family members.
This isn’t about choosing sides. It’s about being able to tap into the “truth” objectively and impartially.
In this version of the card, a pair of black cats — one facing towards us and one facing away — are balanced in a set of scales that are emerging from the depths of the sea. A shark circles around them from just below the surface of the water.
The orb of the Sun shines through a hinge at the top of the scales, while the cats lounge comfortably in their individual clouds.
The shark infested waters remind us of the need to “rise above” turbulent emotions in order to get a clear perspective, which the Sun shining brightly provides. And notice too how the sky gets progressively brighter and then graduates into night-time. Staying centered, maintaining your composure and getting clarity are all important aspects of this card.
This symbolism speaks of balancing head against heart and desire against logic. While we all strive to keep these areas in sync in our own lives, it’s a constant and precarious battle.
The Justice card refers to Universal justice — right vs. wrong rather than what you might desperately hope for or want to happen. Sometimes it refers to justice in the legal sense. And sometimes it has to do with a situation that may seem unfair to you specifically — especially if you’re personally invested in the outcome.
In this respect if you’re dealing with a legal situation, workplace drama, marital discord, or some other problem that calls for third-party mediation, know that this is the kind of Justice that will prevail in the end.
Today’s tarotscope — Justice — comes from the beautiful Black Cats Tarot by Maria Kuara.
This is a Lo Scarabeo deck published by Llewellyn.
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