Ace of Cups
The New Moon in Cancer trines Neptune today and brings with it a refreshing burst of energy to your emotions and love life which can be seen in this version of the Ace of Cups.
Today is about looking for that which is perhaps a bit “hidden” but when found turns out to be such an amazing gem that you wonder how you didn’t see it in the first place. Do not look for what you wish to find in the usual places because what you are looking for is inside yourself as can be seen from the mirrored image on top of the cup where emotions over spill but are yet contained within a positive way.
You are in a state of unfolding, not yet complete and on either side of you are some really gentle yet opposing forces or feelings. The water denotes emotions and the fish jumping from the water is amenable to the neptunian influence today where you literally jump out of any negative emotions that may have been holding you back and let your soul soar towards your imagination.
This has a twofold impact on you for not only does it get you back in touch with who you really are and what you are feeling but it also balances out nicely with the opposite side of the card where the pinks (love) and oranges (creativity) of the third flower, which is finally in bloom, can be reached into to help you soar even further.
All is balanced. You are held to the earth and grounded by the vines from the flowers… you are lifted to the heavens and able to peek into what may be for you through the mirror and all around emotions flow pure and steady with such positive feelings that it is almost blissful.
To tie this card up astrologically with what is happening today we need to look ahead. The new moon today is at 6 degrees of Cancer which will be conjunct the Sun and trining Neptune. When Mercury, which has been causing such a storm in its retrograde state lately moves to 6 degrees of Cancer on July 18 it will be just past the degree it originally went retrograde at on June 6 and Venus, planet of love, will also move into Cancer on this day.
Get in touch with your emotions today… do it gently… don’t push and don’t worry about what anyone else is thinking, feeling or doing because between now and the July 18 you are going to see changes… make them as glorious and precious as the jewelled cup in this card!
The card used for today’s tarotscope — the Ace of Cups — is part of a Tarot Mandala series by the gifted Irish painter Kate Bedell. This is the genesis of the work-in-progress labor-of-love Eternal Cycles Tarot which she is developing now. Used by generous permission.
More of Kate’s beautiful work can be seen on her Tarot and Mandala Art blog and her Kate Bedell Watercolours blog. Many of her images (including this Ace of Cups mandala image) are also available through Fine Art America.
Please also visit and “like” her Facebook Fan page!
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