Three of Wands
Today may be quite busy for you and among the hustle and bustle you find yourself a part of you may lose sight of what is important to yourself.
Look at the energy of those flames as they lick around you and set you on course to being so busy that you don’t know where to start. You may find you start one thing, stop it and start something else.
Nothing seems to be finished and you are even at a loss as to what your next step should be. It may be a good time to sit down, gather your thoughts around you and write down a list of what you wish to accomplish today and then slowly and methodically work your way through it.
Then again, with the energy in this card you may find you cannot bear to do something so slow and tedious and just rush in again only to find yourself back at square one… “square one” being… where do you start again?
There is also a tendency for you to be reliving memories from your past and as you try to go about your daily chores unwanted thoughts arise that further take you from your goals. As I was writing this I decided to check what was going on astrologically today and this is what I found.
The grand cross which has been causing such stress lately will be hit off by the moon today as she travels through the sign of Cancer and at various times comes into opposition (180 degrees) or square (90 degrees) to each of these planets Mars is hit first giving you drive and energy,
Pluto is hit second perhaps causing you to question your emotions, Uranus is hit third which may cause a bit of panic and unpredictable events and behaviour around you (and within you).
Tomorrow Jupiter is hit with a conjunction to the moon… lol… which at least gives you something to look forward to and may also find you in very good spirits and possibly reaching for spirits of the liquid variety.
Until then… tomorrow may seem like a long way off.
Today’s tarotscope — the Three of Wands — is part of the Artist’s Inner Vision Tarot series, which is a collaborative effort by 26-artists who met and ultimately developed this stunning deck over the internet. Published by NoMonet Press. A portion of the proceeds for the sale of this deck go to MuttMatchers, a non-profit agency that places unwanted pets. This card — the Six of Pentacles — was painted by the fabulous Michele Monet, who also designed the Lovers and Prince of Swords cards for this deck..
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