Seven of Rings
Today you may want to take a step back from something you’ve been investing your time and energy into, to get a feel for where things stand. It could be a career move, a relationship, a spiritual journey, a set of personal goals — whatever it is you’ve set your sites on in the hopes of producing long-term results.
The Seven of Pentacles (“Rings” in this deck) is all about taking stock of how far you’ve come and then either making the necessary adjustments or jumping back in with a renewed sense of confidence and enthusiasm.
In this version of the card, a colorful carousel spins around the midway, lighted from the horizon by an enormous full Moon. This nighttime scene reminds us that what we set in motion keeps on moving, relative to the amount of effort we put into it. If we’ve done the work, it’s going to keep on producing results long after we’re tucked in for the night.
The Seven of Rings is a card of momentum. It tells us that there really is no finite beginning or end. You can step on or off at any point, knowing that taking the time to assess and re-evaluate your goals is an important part of the process.
The current transits are somewhat volatile. Mercury is still retrograde and the t-square involving Mars, Uranus and Pluto is heating up again. Which is all the more reason to not get sidetracked. As an interesting side-note, the Moon is void of course today until just after 11am (GMT). This coincides beautifully with the “pause and reflect” aspect associated with the Seven of Rings.