The World
Time to turn inwards and call upon your inner resources to see you through today.
The World card refers to to the completion of a cycle. Of coming full circle — being back where you started but having grown and progressed along the way.
In each corner of the card stands the symbol for each of the four fixed zodiac signs. The Eagle for Scorpio, The Water bearer for Aquarius, Leo the Lion and Taurus the Bull.
Note that all four symbols are winged as if they are there to bring out the best in the attributes of these signs and not the negatives.
These four figures also correspond to the winged figures surrounding God’s throne in the Christina Book of Revelations. A Lion, Eagle, Man and Bull.
It’s time for change and the seeds that you plant now will come back to you in new growth further down the line.
There’s something you need to let go of to be able to take your next step in your journey. It may not be clear at present but is certainly about to become that way.
Neptune turns retrograde today and this means that your intuition is heightened. You may find yourself extra sensitive to the energies around you and also feel as if you are bringing together different aspects of yourself in an effort to build something new and that “something” could stand for a situation or it may stand for you becoming a new person.