Ace of Cups
Venus turns direct in Leo today, after six long weeks in retrograde motion.
The Ace of Cups, from the gorgeous Goddess Tarot — features the Venus symbol prominently, as it is etched into the golden chalice from which the Sun also rises. The Sun’s luminous rays combine with the contents of the chalice and spill over into a shimmering pool of light.
This represents a period of bringing Venus forward again, and releasing her energy back into the light.
Venus is in Leo now, the sign associated with warmth, benevolence, creativity and self-expression. As she begins to move forward through the last half of this sign, think about how you can make the most of these influences.
All Aces are related to new and unformed energy. So even if it does manifest as something material — a new love interest or some form of external validation for example — the bottom line is that it creates a “feel good” energy which reverberates throughout your very being.
As this is the Ace of Cups, and Cups refer to emotions, intuition and feelings, it’s likely to manifest on one of these levels. Love and romance for starters. But also affection, intimacy, sharing, closeness and the expression of feelings. The Ace of Cups is ripe with potential and opportunity for all of these things. What you do with them — and how open you are to the possibilities before you — is entirely up to you.