Page of Cups
What has caught your attention today to the extent that you have let go of everything else and become fixated on.
It is not a negative thing as you do not look to be in pain but it is perhaps something that is going around and around your mind and not giving you too much leeway in getting anything done.
The Page of Cups can draw out creative and artistic talents.
You may find yourself looking around your “world” today with new eyes and a different appreciation of what is around for you.
If you find this is the case you may wish to write your thoughts down, draw, paint or just give yourself some type of artistic expression to what you are feeling.
This can also help with anything that is plaguing you from the past that you can’t seem to shake off because its at times like this that you will find it hard to see what you need to do next or what is happening around you.
Sometimes the answer lies within you. Sometimes it lies without. Give yourself plenty of scope today to look at what you are seeking from all sources available to you.
Don’t just focus on one thing to the exception of everything else. If this happens you may find yourself caught up in that fish bowl going around in circles with no beginning and no end whilst giving the source of your thoughts more power than it is due.