
February 2015 Tarot Scopes featuring the Rider-Waite Tarot


ARIES: Magician

The Magician card is all about bringing your talents to the table and putting them to good use.

Perhaps you have been looking for a job or thinking of changing your occupation. If so it would be wise for you to sit down and assess exactly what it is you can bring to the table of any new employer or occupation you are chasing down.

This doesn’t need to be about you finding a job: it could be that you’re thinking about expanding your knowledge which makes you a little more employable and more valuable in the job market.

You may really be wishing to change jobs but are a little hesitant as you don’t think you have all that a new employer is looking for.

If this is the case think again because the card of the Magician is a strong indicator of a new job, change in careers and if you are happy in your current job it may be that you are about to be given more duties to perform.

Focus on the hands in this card you will see that one is pointed to the earth whilst the other is pointed to the heavens suggesting that you are aspiring to something great yet also grounded enough to see that you cannot just take a big jump and land in that greatness without a bit of preparation.


June 2013 Tarot Scopes featuring the Rider-Waite Tarot


ARIES: Justice

What is your best way forward?

What options do you have?

The Justice card implies you are ready to face a situation head on with logical thought processes.

The scales held in the left hand show a balancing of all the facts whilst the sword in the right hand shows you are ready to speak with conviction once all of the facts have been weighted up.

The situation around you does not need over emotional input for you to gain a satisfactory outcome.

You must use your mind and intellect to access the outcome you are hoping for.

This may mean you need to seek counsel with a professional who can help you with your problems and tip the scales of justice in your favor.