Articles for this day of April 1, 2024

April 2024 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne


We begin the month with a Mercury retrograde, yippee! Yes, the little dude does his retro dance from the 1st through the 25th beginning at 27 degrees Aries and going back to just under 16 degrees Aries before its direct motion on the 25th.

Mercury rules travel, communication, the nervous system, speaking and writing, among other things. “Don’t buy and don’t sign” is the usual Mercury Rx dictum. If you do travel during this time, things may be confusing in the beginning but ease up after the 10th.

The big news this month is, of course, the total Solar eclipse on April 9th at 19 degrees, 24 minutes of Aries, which has a path of totality across a large portion of the United States. The ancient wisdom about eclipses is that where ever the path of totality is visible those areas will be affected by the eclipse.

The ancient astrological lore is that one should not be outside during a solar eclipse as the lack of the Sun’s rays during that time may be a disturbance to your body functions.

The Moon and Sun are also conjunct by degree and minute with the asteroid Chiron, whose archetype is the wounded healer. This could signify some major developments in the medical field coming out within the next 6-12 months following the eclipse. Mercury retrograde hits that eclipse degree on April 17 and again on May 5th, which could trigger news or announcements about medical advancements at that time. Eclipses often mean a big change is coming and there is no going back from what happens after that time and this does not mean that what happens is negative. It is just a rather life altering experience.