King of Cups
Help may come to you through an older man who is not quite what he seems.
For one, you may not think he is listening to you as can be seen in the image of the King of Cups.
He seems to have his back to you but since Cups equal emotions consider that he is listening to you and understands things on a whole different level.
Notice how he has one ear displayed prominently in your direction even though he may not appear to have heard or understood you… he has… because he interprets what you say on a different level.
A level that is mixed with intuition and it is from there that he forms his conclusions.
I particularly like the headgear he is wearing on this card — this version from Charissa Drengsen’s Steampunk Tarot — as it shows he is plugged into things in a totally different way to what you expect.
If he is someone you have just met then do not take him at face value.
As can be seen from the tattoos on his body (and I’m not saying he will have tattoos when you meet him) but these images show a rich life… a rich tapestry to his own life and how he views life and others in general.
Today’s card — King of Cups — is part of the Steampunk Tarot series designed and illustrated by Charissa Drengsen.
The Steampunk Tarot is sold through Charissa’s shop at Etsy!
There’s also a companion book available through Amazon.
It is also available as an Android app.
Please also check out and “like” her Facebook fan page.
Used by generous permission.
Check out more daily tarot scopes or visit our Shop.

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