
Free Daily Tarotscope — July 23, 2014 — Queen of Swords

Queen of Swords

Queen of Swords

Decisions that you make today will require you to use intellect and logic rather than emotions and intuition.

The Queen of Swords signals a need for discipline. Whether you’re acting in this capacity or dealing with someone who embodies these qualities — like authority, self-reliance and impartiality — today you will need to rise to the occasion.

The Queen of Swords in most decks can be rather cold and austere. She can be critical and judgmental, detached from her emotions and unwilling to compromise her convictions. But this version emphasizes wisdom and maturity.

Notice the silver hair and tattered robes. She’s not here to impress anybody. She knows who she is and is comfortable in her own skin. She doesn’t wield her sword like a  weapon; she caresses it comfortably, just as her bare feet keep her grounded and rooted to the earth.

She may be a woman in your life: if so consider that you can count on her to tell you the truth. She’s got high standards and impeccable ethics, which she didn’t acquire by marching to the beat of anyone else’s drum.

Perhaps this is someone whose courage and strength you admire: an older woman, a widow often, someone who has weathered her share of disappointments and still holds her head high.

Free Daily Tarotscope — May 13, 2014 — Princess of Swords

Princess of Swords

Princess of Swords

Are you waiting to hear from someone today or expecting an important message?

Perhaps you’re in the process of negotiating a contract or settlement, and are preparing to sign on the dotted line.

The Princess (or Page) of Swords is a “messenger card.” You may hear from an old friend, receive news, or learn the answer to a nagging question — whether it’s the answer you were hoping for or not.

As with all the court cards, the Princess of Swords card refer to someone in your life (or coming in) or it can refer to a frame of mind that you need to adopt in order to meet your goals. If this is someone in your life now, you can expect her to cut to the chase, not mince words, and tell you the truth without sugar coating it.

In this version of the card, the Princess stands alert in field of wildflowers. A gentle breeze tousles her hair and cloak. Her sword is held high but blade down, and wrapped in a silken ribbon. A bird flies high in the distance, perhaps delivering a message to a far-off place.

The Princesses in the Druid Craft Tarot deck are the female versions of “Pages” in traditional decks. They’re youthful, sensitive, and sincere. They’re full of potential, lacking in worldly experience and sophistication and may be overly idealistic and naive.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Mar 15, 2014 — Princess of Cups

Princess of Cups

Princess of Cups

You may feel like wearing your heart on your sleeve today, courtesy of the Princess of Cups.

The Princesses in the Druid Craft Tarot deck are the female versions of “Pages” in traditional decks. They’re youthful, sensitive, and sincere. They’re full of potential, lacking in worldly experience and sophistication and may be overly idealistic and naive.

In this version of the card, we see a tender young maiden standing in a clearing next to a stream. A gentle breeze tousles her robes and hair. She appears to be in a dream-like state: basking in the warmth of the sunlight as she cradles her chalice close to her heart.

There is a calm, gentle and serene energy about her, yet she’s also in touch with nature. She’s got her (bare) feet planted firmly on the ground.

As the embodiment of the first Water sign (Cancer in this case), this Princess expresses a more idealistic and less refined version than the other court cards. There’s a “babe in the woods” quality — literally — about her.

She’s pure of heart and gentle of soul, seeing only the good in others with the hopefulness that comes from youth and inexperience.