
Free Daily Tarotscope — Jan 13, 2014 — Four of Pentacles

Four of Pentacles

Four of Pentacles

Today you may need to look at ways in which you can both expand and relax your personal boundaries. The Four of Pentacles generally refers to holding onto something (or someone) too tightly– usually due to fear.

We worry that we don’t have enough money or that a loved one may leave us, and we respond to those fears by holding on for dear life — in the hopes that we can prevent it (or them) from slipping away.

In traditional tarot decks, the Four of Pentacles card depicts a man in royal garb with four golden coins. He wears one above his crown — representing his own wealth and status; stands on two of them — representing his position in society; and holds the last one tightly to his chest — representing his reluctance to give any of it away.

In this deck however, the imagery is quite different. We see a yogi in the  “pyramid” or parsvottanasana pose before a colorful Yantra symbol.

This posture — which requires the clarity and purpose to both extend one’s body and relax one’s mind — is a powerful remedy for the rigidity that is normally so inherent in this card. 

Ask yourself today in what ways you need to “stretch” — as in reaching further than you ever have before; and in what ways you need to relax — be it your purse-strings, your attitudes or your personal boundaries — so that you can achieve the sense of balance, harmony and grace that is depicted in this card.