
May 2021 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

The month of May always seems positive by its very nature of springtime growth and the awakening of Mother Earth from the winter’s dormancy, plus it is my birth month!

We begin this month with 4 planets (Sun, Mercury, Venus and Uranus) in earthy and sensual Taurus so comfort and beauty reign for the first 2 weeks anyway.

Mercury goes retrograde in Gemini on the 29th of the month, there is a Full Moon Lunar eclipse in Sagittarius on the 26th and Saturn goes into its retrograde phase on the 23rd. The plot thickens as things must be reviewed or re-visited with the Gemini influence at that time…details, details, details.

Mars continues forward in the sign of Cancer and Jupiter enters watery Pisces on the 14th, creating a compatible blend of energies to accomplish your tasks. It is a sensitive energy, however, so gear your expectations to accommodate other’s needs in the equation.

There are difficult aspects with Mars and Uranus in the quincunx aspect to the south node from the 10th-15th, and also Saturn and the south node with Mars in the quincunx aspect as well.  This is also known as a Yod, finger of God, aspect that can trigger events that can alter one’s fate.  With Mars and Uranus, this can be an unexpected violent event that changes something essential in one’s life.  Be aware of your surroundings during this time.

April 2021 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne


This month will be an interesting cosmic ride as we move from Aries high energy to placid Taurus but with a twist as Uranus, the great awakener planet is in Taurus.

All the planets are in direct motion with Pluto going retrograde later in the month but not until April 27th. Mercury moves into Aries on April 3rd, making everyone more decisive and direct in their ideas and actions.

To complement this, Mars is in Gemini until April 24th so that mutual reception of planets in each other’s signs supports this energy. Mercury joins Venus, already in Aries until April 15th, and since they are friends, this bodes well for more social interaction and good times.

Jupiter continues its movement through Aquarius from 23 degrees to 28 degrees expanding innovation and out of the box thinking, while Saturn trails a bit behind, also in Aquarius, from 11 to 13 degrees.

March 2021 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

March 2020 monthly horoscopes

The general cosmic mood is lightening up this month with Venus in its exaltation sign of feminine, mystical Pisces and Mercury now direct and conjunct Jupiter in air sign Aquarius.

This combination brings in ideas for artistic expression and beauty as well as many ideas for the practical improvement of life, for the many as opposed to just the few.

Mercury moves into the sign of Pisces on March 16th, where is shares the space with Venus and Neptune giving it a more artistic experience, even though Mercury is considered to be weak in Pisces.  Make your big decisions before March 16th, if possible.

Mars moves from its detrimental placement in Taurus into Gemini on March 5th, which may scatter our energies as we will feel the release of pent-up desires over the last two months surging for expression.

Jupiter, in forward thinking air sign Aquarius, will help prioritize that expression from trivial to those of a more universal appeal. Mars breaks out of the entrapment of the north and south nodes placements on March 26th, which will free up more energy for progress in all ways.

Saturn moves from 8 degrees to 11 degrees of Aquarius, separating somewhat from the recent square to Uranus at 7 degrees of Taurus. They will continue that square dance throughout the year, meeting by exact square again in mid-June for their 2nd time and again for the final square in this act at the end of December, 2021.

Neptune keeps its cosmic vibe going in Pisces and gets a lovely kiss from transiting Venus from March 10th-18th. This is a great time for mystical inspiration as well as personal beauty enhancement or photography. Take advantage of that vibe of pleasure in any way that brings you joy!

Pluto moves a half degree at 26 Capricorn to 26.5 degrees. Transformation takes time, folks, we all know that but with all the planets in direct motion for the next 8 weeks, lots of progress can be made.

February 2021 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

Oh, the joys of starting a new month with a Mercury retrograde!

My keyboard and mouse are not communicating with my computer today and I am not feeling like going through the troubleshooting protocol to try to patch it.

Tomorrow is another day, to paraphrase Scarlet O’Hara but it has made me late with this column and I apologize for the delay.

Mercury will be Rx until February 21st when the little dude goes direct at 11 degrees of Aquarius.

During this retrograde cycle, he will be conjunct Venus on February 14th and also Jupiter around the same time and so will be influencing the houses those two planets rule in your chart as well as the two houses Mercury rules.

That makes 6 houses that will be affected so it is, indeed, a month to double check things twice. At least the planets involved are not malefic ones!

January 2021 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

Welcome to the new year of 2021!

It feels lighter than 2020 already, just getting out of that repetitive numerical sequence feels like a relief of sorts! There will definitely be a bumpy ride for the start of the year but improvement will occur after the first quarter is completed.

This is a major course correction and those transitions are never easy to navigate but navigate we must, so set your intentions this month on the New Moon on January 12th if you haven’t already done so during the Solstice and Jupiter/Saturn conjunction on December 21, 2020.

The volatility cycle for January runs from January 1st through the 24th as Mars moves to an exact conjunction with Uranus at 6 degrees Taurus on January 20th, the date of the presidential inauguration in the United States.

Uranus is very powerful all month as it goes into direct motion on January 14th, which increases its power. The Sun also enters Aquarius on that date, ringing the bell of the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction a month earlier, that’s a positive note even though it will be squaring Uranus and Mars in a few days.

December 2020 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

Welcome to the last month of 2020 and as much as I wish I could say the wild ride is over, it is not.

We do have almost all of the planets moving in their natural direct motion through the end of the year, the exception being Uranus the rebel, still retrograde in the sign of Taurus, so that helps move the energy forward though financial uncertainty is still present for most people.

There is a total solar eclipse on Dec 14th at 23 degrees of Sagittarius, the last eclipse of the year, in the part of the sky associated with crone wisdom, or the wisdom of age, experience and hardship.

Mercury is moving past its conjunction with the south node at that time so there is still concern about the “truth” and the validity of the sources of where one gets their information. Venus spends the first half of the month in Scorpio, a sign of her debility, and then moves into Sagittarius the last half of the month. Relationships and finances could have a setback during the first two weeks of December so be a bit frugal during that time.

Mars moves through the 17-26th degrees of Aries which it retrograded back over in September/October so we all have the chance to correct any misguided actions taken during that time. Mars squares Pluto on December 23rd which could mean some warlike aggression happening in the world. In personal lives, it may just mean anger and frustration taking their toll on harmonious relations.

November 2020 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

This month has some very interesting planetary changes as well as a lunar eclipse on November 30th.

Mercury goes into direct motion on November 3rd, the date of the US elections, which will delay the final outcome of the election as the votes are counted. Kind of a bummer in all ways.

Mercury enters the sign of Scorpio on the 10th so there is plenty of intensity and secrets to be revealed as it goes back over the degrees it retrograded through and finishes those degrees on the 19th.

Venus enters the sign of Scorpio on the 22nd, adding to the intensity as it moves towards an opposition with Uranus in Taurus. People are likely to be anxious and relationships are likely to be volatile the last week of November. Be kind.

Mars goes into direct motion on the 14th at 15° Aries, which will give a boost to all stalled projects and plans, once it gets moving forward by the end of the month.

Jupiter will make a conjunction with Pluto on the 22nd at 22° Capricorn, which can create some big event that affects the world. Saturn is 5 degrees ahead of these two planets at 27 º Capricorn and that may actually calm things down as Saturn is powerful in Capricorn and likes to restore order. Follow the rules, folks, is a Saturnian dictum.

October 2020 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

The month begins with a full Moon in Aries conjunct the asteroid, Chiron, the wounded healer archetype. This suggests some emotional healing is needed at this time for everyone, not just Aries or Libra people. Take advantage of this time to enjoy the Harvest Moon’s rays and do some inner work on yourself.

The vibes this month are pretty similar to September’s as Mars is retrograde and squaring Saturn and Pluto for almost the entire month of October but is moving away from the exact degrees. It’s something, folks!

Pluto goes direct on October 4 and is therefore quite slow and powerful this month. This is transformational energy but it is also under stress from Saturn and Mars.

Jupiter moves forward to be very close to Pluto at the month’s end while squaring Mars through most of the month as well. There is some hope, however, it may feel like it gets overridden by the demands of the other planets. You have to keep going, no matter what and work towards a positive outcome. This energy is moving forward now so even if it is a struggle, gains can be made.

And just the time these planets start to separate from each other, the little dude, Mercury, does its final retrograde dance of the year on October 14th at 11 degrees of Scorpio. Mercury is within the 5 degree orb of opposition to Uranus in Taurus, so there may be some shocking events, particularly about money and assets at this time.

September 2020 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

As an astrologer, people often ask me, “so when will things get better?” Sometimes it is hard to say exactly when, particularly now when there are three planets all in retrograde motion in the sign of Capricorn, but we do have the beginnings of an opening for progress this month as Jupiter turns direct on September 13th, Saturn on September 29th and Pluto, lagging behind the group, turns direct on October 4th.

This will start busting up any internal or external stalemates to your energy and actions. It won’t happen overnight but this does signify a course correction towards a favorable outcome.

It is the outer planets with their slow-moving orbits that induce the deepest changes in life and when in their normal forward motion we gain traction and momentum…finally! So take heart, my friends!

There is one snafu this month as Mars, the masculine planet of will, action and energy, will go into its retrograde motion period on September 9th through November 14th. This signifies a return to or review of something started in July or August. Mars goes into retrograde motion less frequently than the other planets, roughly every two years. It happens this time in the cardinal sign of Aries, which Mars rules and enjoys taking charge in.

August 2020 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

The month begins with an interesting conjunction of Venus and the North node in the late degrees of Gemini through the 8th.

This can cause extremes in all Venus ruled areas of life, particularly relationships as Venus in Gemini wants to talk, talk, talk about the relationship now. Choose your words carefully.

Venus then leaves Gemini on the 8th and enters the sign of Cancer where she remains through the end of the month, happily transiting that feminine water sign. Mercury is also in the sign of Cancer through the 6 th so security, home and family are issues that are up and in focus now.

Mars, the god of war, remains in Aries at 18 degrees and will advance to 27 degrees by the end of the month. We have been in the shadow area of the upcoming Mars retrograde since July 24th so what is going on now with Mars related situations. i.e., men, weapons, aggression, conflict, soldiers, police, will be reviewed during the retrograde phase beginning on September 9th through November 14th. Get ready for a wild ride with this retrograde.

July 2020 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

The month begins with Mercury retrograde joined to the Sun’s 9th degree and cazimi, which means a planet is within 15 minutes of the Sun’s position.

With a fast-moving planet like Mercury, this period doesn’t last very long and in this case it’s only 7 hours, beginning at 5 PM (MDT) on 6/30 and lasting until 1 AM on 7/1.

This means that Mercury, the messenger, is so close to the Sun that he “has the ear of the king” as represented by the Sun. Important conversations are going on at this time between advisors and rulers of nations. Stay tuned.

This event is followed by the full Moon lunar eclipse at 13 degrees of Cancer/Capricorn, on the birthday chart of the USA. Interestingly, Pluto was retrograde at 27 degrees of Capricorn in 1776 and while not at the same degree as it is now (24 degrees Capricorn), you can see the large scale, and somewhat dark, deadly and transformational events happening in the daily news. The United States’ Pluto return doesn’t occur until late February 2022, so this is a process we will be in for years.

June 2020 Monthly Horoscopes by Jeanne

Welcome to eclipse season, as if we needed any more drama in the world right now! We have 2 eclipses this month and one more in early July in this cycle so, in addition to some other planetary factors, it could indeed be a tense and bumpy ride.

The month begins with Venus retrograde combust the rays of the Sun through the 8th. Things could get testy within relationships as people are a bit frazzled and fried right now. On June 5th, there is the full Moon lunar eclipse at 15 degrees of Gemini/Sagittarius, which may add to the drama of the times.

Lunar eclipses can manifest as a rather immediate event and this one has Mars making a square aspect to those degrees on the 6th. No one will be very comfortable during this first week of the month. The second week has the Sun squaring off with Neptune on the 11th, followed by Mars squaring Neptune on the 13th and Mercury going retrograde on the 18th. This is a recipe for deception and misinformation running rampant in the world.