February begins with Venus in direct motion, yay! And Mercury direct soon to follow on the 4th, another blessing! However, both are paired with malefic planets. Venus loosely conjuncts Mars and Mercury much more tightly conjuncts Pluto, and they’re all transiting the Saturn-ruled sign of Capricorn. That’s a whole lot of heavy energy coming at us throughout this week.
Venus with Mars elicits sexual and general tension between the sexes and Mercury with Pluto connotes some kind of secret is revealed and it’s one that can’t be brushed off as a minor infraction. It’s an “ignore at your own peril” kind of situation. Venus and Mars will be close together in the signs of Capricorn and Aquarius until the end of March, so there’s a process of learning to manage this tension and find a way to work it out in terms of close relationships. It is both practical and down to earth as well as intellectual.
All the planets are currently within 125 degrees of each other and captured between the nodes’ positions of late Taurus and late Scorpio. Most of them are in the signs of Capricorn, Aquarius and two fortunately in Pisces. Yikes, that sure is a cluster of somethin’! The point is to pay attention to what news, information or intuition is coming at you and look closer at the content for relevance to your life. Sometimes big decisions have to be thoroughly explored and then made and so your life goes in one direction or another.
Read your Sun sign and Rising sign for best information.