
September 2021 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Aries: Four of Cups

This month, with your ruler (Mars) opposing Neptune, you may be dealing with feelings of apathy, uncertainty, disillusionment or discontent — especially regarding your personal relationships.

The Mars / Neptune opposition can see you focusing on what’s missing in your life, rather than what’s right there before you. It can see you wondering whether there’s something (or someone) else out there that would excite or inspire you.

This is the Four of Cups from Mary Griffin’s beautiful (and sadly, out-of-print) Hezicos Tarot. The figure in the card looks absolutely bored to tears, oblivious to the beauty surrounding her, and the mischief taking place beneath her feet.

The is the essence of the Four of Cups. There’s also generally a lack of energy, which may mean that for the first couple weeks of September, you won’t feel like doing much of anything.

One of the positive aspects of this card though is that it reveals to you exactly what’s “wrong with this picture” and allows you the opportunity to make it right.

It can get you thinking about how things could be — in an ideal world or at least with respect to following your dreams — and then what you can do to make those dreams a reality. While you may start out thinking “what’s the point?” you’ll have a clearer idea of what’s worth salvaging and what could use a little more work in the end. .


August 2021 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Three of Cups

Aries: Three of Cups

This month, with the Sun, Mercury and New Moon all coming together in your 5th (romance, love affairs and creative self-expression) house, it’s going to be a good time for you to let your hair down, kick your heels up and have some fun!

This is the Three of Cups from the Deviant Moon Tarot. This card is all about people gathering together to connect, interact and celebrate. It’s a happy, joyful energy that can manifest as a party or celebration, or it could be as simple as a girls night out.

Look at the figures in this card. They’re all so different, yet they’ve found a common ground and embrace one another with a the kind of joyful camaraderie that says they know how to have fun.

They rise up from the belly of a monster fish. Are they celebrating their impending release? Or are they resigned to a more sinister fate and engaging in one last last hurrah?

Either way this card is all about socializing and participating in group activities. Hanging out with like-minded people and expressing feelings of affection and good-will.

This month you want to leave your troubles at the door and go out and have yourself some fun, There’s no room for fretting about work or other mundane concerns.

No matter where the people in your life have come from — no matter what your connection or history or relationship with them is — the Three of Cups is a card of companionship and camaraderie. It serves as a reminder that there’s always something to be grateful for, and always someone to share your gratitude with.


February 2021 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Knight of Pentacles

Aries: Knight of Pentacles

With your ruler (Mars) now moving through Taurus, you might feel the need to slow down a bit rather than rushing headlong into the next great adventure.

This transit is good for stopping the smell the flowers and for taking your time to appreciate what life has to offer. It’s fitting then that your card this month is the Prisma Visions Tarot’s version of the Knight of Pentacles.

This Knight isn’t galloping off toward the horizon and he’s not racing to the finish line. He’s led his stallion to a lush field of giant strawberries, where both of them can feast.

The Knight of Pentacles (and Mars in Taurus) knows how to make money. But his focus is more on relishing and savoring than it is on taking action.

He’s all about preserving his resources while maximizing his potential, so that he’s always at least one step ahead of the game.

This is the essence of the Knight of Pentacles. Taking advantage of opportunities as they present themselves so that you’re always working toward your goals. It’s that unique combination of instinct and strategy that guarantees your success.

Whether you’re working on generating more income, saving for the future or paying down debts, you can make a lot of headway toward securing your financial independence. The spirit of adventure is not lost here: it’s still a big part of this process. But it’s the foresight and efficiency with which you go about achieving your goals that makes them so achievable in the end.


December 2020 Tarot Scopes by Melodie


Aries: The Chariot

With Mars (your ruler) now moving forward again in its own sign, this should be a great month for you to work on harnessing your personal power and manifesting your goals.

This is the Chariot card from the New Palladini Tarot.  It’s associated with courage, determination, stamina and self-control.

The Chariot card is associated astrologically with the sign Cancer, which the Moon rules. In that respect it’s a reminder of how divergent forces in all of our lives — light vs. dark, positive vs. negative, instinct vs. action, etc. — compete with one another for control.

The figure in the card stares straight ahead, wearing a Sphinx hood and golden chainmail, and weilding a mighty sword. The Chariot’s wheels replicate the Sun shining high in the sky, just as the hawk’s gaze replicates the Charioteer’s.

You may be called upon to both maintain control and harness the opposing forces in your life. Whether this is related to relationship, career, or the dual desires within your own psyche, the challenge will be to find a way to pull your energy inward and funnel it outward into one solid direction.

You can accomplish a lot through sheer force and determination — as long as you’re aware of the need to focus your energy in one primary direction. You’ll have find a way to balance the diverging energies in your life. But if you can “pull it together” you’ll make great strides toward accomplishing your goals.

May 2020 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

Aries: The Sun

This month you want to focus on what’s right in your world rather than what might be wrong. The Sun card is all about happiness, optimism and vitality: it’s about being present in the moment and celebrating being alive.

Look around you and take notice of the blessings that surround you. Step away — at least mentally — and turn your attention away from work and mundane affairs long enough to soak in the energizing rays of the Sun.

The Sun card — this version from the Lightseer’s Tarot  — represents energy and vitality. Feeling happy to be alive. Getting in touch with your inner child, your true authentic spirit, the part of you that longs to embrace life with ever fiber of your being.

When we think of the Sun, we think of warmth, light and life. It warms our spirits as well as our bodies; it brightens our moods as well as the outside world, and it brings life to our dreams and goals as well as to every living thing on the planet.

The Sun card in the Tarot is much the same way. It refers to the wonder and glory of being alive. Of feeling warm, confident, radiant and spirited. Its attitude is that “everything is as it should be,” for you and all around you.

The Sun reflects your own inner light and inspires you to let it shine. It encourages you to say yes to life rather than letting your troubles hold you back. It tells you to turn your face to the Sun rather rather than looking back over your shoulder toward whatever caused you to dim your light in the first place.

The Sun card is all about optimism, enthusiasm and personal radiance. It’s about being yourself and allowing yourself to “shine,” without any pretense or constraint. Even when the sky is cloudy, the Sun is still shines. We may not always see it but it’s always there — and serves as a reminder of the warmth and vitality that each of us possess

January 2020 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

January 2020 Tarot Scopes -- Ostara Emperor

Aries: The Emperor

This month, with 6 planets in your public / professional sector, it’s going to be time to step up and approach your responsibilities with confidence and authority.

The Emperor card — this version from the Ostara Tarot — is all about power, success, reputation and public standing. But these are all relative terms and are not necessarily related to profession. They’re just as likely tied to responsibilities around the home or within a group of peers.

The message behind this card is one of taking care of business. It’s not the time to be passive or wishy-washy. It’s all about stepping up and taking control of a situation that requires a firm hand and authoritative presence.

You may be asking yourself whether you want to be a small fish in a big pond or a big fish in a small pond. It’s all about gaining perspective and establishing priorities.

As the Emperor also relates to the “Laws of the Land,” some of the less pleasant manifestations of this card include things like being on the receiving end of legal or professional disciplinary actions, dealings with the IRS or government, or having to deal with an oppressive boss or coworker.

Although there are masculine elements to the Emperor card, the references don’t only apply to men. It can refer to a single mother, a career-woman, or a woman with important responsibilities as well. It can also refer to a man in your life (or someone new coming in) who embodies these qualities.

Whether you are a parent doling out “tough love” or a supervisor having to strong arm an employee or just taking back your power in a personal relationship, remember it’s important to temper that with kindness and compassion. Just like the bear in our card, a protective gentle approach is just as important as a firm steady hand.


March 2019 Tarot Scopes by Melodie


Aries: The Emperor

This month, with 6 planets in your career and money sectors, it ‘s going to be time to step up and approach your responsibilities from a more serious and authoritative standpoint.

The Emperor card is all about power, success, reputation and public standing. But these are all relative terms and are not necessarily related to profession. They’re just as likely tied to responsibilities around the home or within a group of peers.

In this version of the card — from the Stolen Child Tarot — the Emperor is a polar bear looking off into the distance as he keeps protective watch over a young changeling child. The ground is frozen solid, what little brush there is is sparse and snowflakes are falling all around them.

As fierce a guardian as this papa bear may be, there’s a gentle, protective quality about him too. This is in line with Emperor archetype, which is also fatherly and paternal.

The message behind this card is one of taking care of business. It’s not the time to be passive or wishy-washy. It’s all about stepping up and taking control of a situation that requires a firm hand and authoritative presence.

Although there are masculine elements to the Emperor card, the references don’t only apply to men. It can refer to a single mother, a career-woman, or a woman with important responsibilities as well. It can also refer to a man in your life (or someone new coming in) who embodies these qualities.

Whether you are a parent doling out “tough love” or a supervisor having to strong arm an employee or just taking back your power in a personal relationship, remember it’s important to temper that with kindness and compassion. Just like the bear in our card, a protective gentle approach is just as important as a firm steady hand.


May 2018 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

japaridze star

ARIES: The Star

Now is the time to acknowledge your dreams and aspirations. The Star card — this version from the beautiful Japaridze Tarot — is a card of Hope and faith in the Universe. It tells you that in spite of all your trials and tribulations,everything is as it should be, and in the end everything is going to be alright.

You could be feeling a renewed sense of hope about a goal that is now starting to feel more reachable. Or you may be feeling inspired to explore your intuition and psychic impressions.

The Star is all about Universal harmony and synchronicity. It’s about being one with the Universe and feeling connected to every single other living thing.

The Star card is associated with Aquarius as the Water Bearer archetype. It is a card of compassion, inspiration, intuition and faith. It also represents a sense of rebirth and renewal. As it follows the Tower card — which is associated with disaster and destruction — it can serve as a welcome refuge or a beacon of hope.

It’s the sense we have that everything will be alright — even if we have to push past our own doubts and fears. It’s also about transmuting those fears and finding a productive outlet for them. Art, music, poetry, dance, creative self-expression are all very meaningful manifestations of the Star card’s energy.

You want to steer clear of negativity this month — yours and anyone else’s. Focus on what is right in your world rather than what could possibly go wrong. if you can do that you’re bound to come out on top.

August 2016 Tarot Scopes by Melodie


ARIES: Rebirth

This month you should be presented with opportunities to look back over the strides you’ve made and the challenges you’ve faced in recent months as you begin a brand new cycle.

The young child in this card stands at the doorway between past and present. He still has an opportunity to look back behind him and clear up any unfinished business. But he has that same opportunity to venture forward and face a brand new world.

This is the Druid Craft Tarot’s version of the Judgment card. It’s the endless human journey that we sometimes refer to as “karma.” We reap and sew with each thought, action, and decision.

This card calls for self-evaluation and awareness, a need to develop enough spiritual altitude to look objectively at your mistakes and short-comings as well as your triumphs and victories.

It is a powerful reminder that in order to put the past behind us we must not only let go of prior judgments but heal the wounds that have been holding us back. It’s a card of both atonement and forgiveness. Of unconditional love, understanding and acceptance — for both ourselves and for those who’ve hurt us or let us down.

This card represents a summation of all that has come before, and an awareness that each step taken — from here on out — leaves an indelible imprint on our future. It represents a calling — a spiritual call to action, where the past meets the present and beckons you toward the future.


May 2016 Tarot Scopes by Melodie

ARIES: Five of Cups

You may be dealing with relationship issues this month that force you to face some difficult realities. You could be struck by a sense of discontent and disillusionment over what once seemed like a “magical” union but is now developing cracks. Misunderstandings or miscommunications can abound, sending you hurdling back to earth and back to the reality of your situation.

Look at the imagery in this card. We see a mythical Unicorn seated atop an old-fashioned wishing well. At first glance it looks like something you’d expect to come across in a fairy-tale. But if you look closer, you can see that the Unicorn is not seated at all. He’s trapped in the well and has been hobbled, immobilized by his unfortunate circumstances.

The water flowing from the sides of the well has slowed down to a trickle. He looks away from the set of withering vines on the left and toward those that are lush and plentiful on the right. The skeleton key symbol over his heart is reminiscent of the astrological glyph used for Greek Mythology’s wounded healer, Chiron.

How might this imagery apply to you? And what can you learn from the circumstances that make this card now relevant in your life?

The Five of Cups — this version from the Mary-el Tarot — can refer to heartache, disillusionment and lost love. You could be stuck in rut, reeling from a rejection or coming to terms with a relationship that was never meant to be. You may also—just like the Unicorn in this card—be refusing to see what no longer sustains you. There is as much danger in not learning from your mistakes as there is in focusing only on what might be.

But there are positive aspects of this card as well. There are messages to be unraveled and lessons to be learned. Perhaps the “wounded healer” aspect provides you with an insider’s understanding of what it’s like to hurt, to be alone, and to be denied the very thing you’ve so desperately wanted.

Your heartache becomes a powerful conduit for healing. It can also become a gift that you pass onto others: the gift of empathy. Your own experiences lead to a deeper understanding of what others may be dealing with, and can translate into compassion, understanding, forgiveness and unconditional love.


January 2016 Tarot Scopes by Chrisalis

Ace of Cups

ARIES: Ace of Cups

This month’s card — the Ace of Cups from the Secret Language of Birds Tarot — is all about romance, affection, flirtation, intimacy, communion and most of all love.

Aces represent new and unformed energy. As Cups refer to emotions, intuition and feelings, it’s likely to manifest on one of these levels.

It’s all about seeing your capacity to love and express feelings mirrored right back to you — through a new love interest, a friend or family member, or the eyes of a child.

You may be starting a new relationship or expressing yourself romantically — whether or not a serious relationship develops from that flirtation. As with all Aces, the energy is so new and so unformed that a myriad of possibilities is completely within your reach.

The process of falling in love reveals to you your purest, most perfect potential. It’s when you put your best foot forward and show the world what you’re capable of — and the Universe responds in kind.

If you’re already in an established relationship, the Ace of Cups can refer to a renewal of affection and passion. It can represent a renewal, a more “formal” commitment or the onset of a new chapter in your relationship.

Just like Alcyone’s movement from the last degree of one sign into the first degree of the next, you can replicate this energy by seeing the Ace of Cups as an opportunity to take things to the next level in your relationship as well.

Free Daily Tarotscope — Aug 12, 2015 — the Empress


The Empress

Today is going to be more about getting in touch with your feminine side — your loving, nurturing and caring side — than it will be about getting down to “business.”

The Empress card — this version from the beautiful Wild Green Chagallian Tarot — is associated with beauty, creativity and love.

She represents the aspects of ourselves that evoke the principles of feminine strength and power. As the counterpart to the Emperor card, this archetype is all about the yin or feminine aspects of parental authority and protection, regardless of gender.

Where the Emperor focuses on wisdom, stability and responsibility, the Empress relates more to nurturing, comfort, support and emotional security. It is the “Earth Mother” archetype personified.

This card represents fertility and abundance. Surrounding yourself with all things living and growing. Being in touch with the earth and your sexuality, as well as your ability to create and foster life.

The Empress is a mother, as depicted in this card. But that doesn’t always translate literally. It can refer to mothering impulses, such as tending to the needs of others.

She’s surrounded by flowers and herbs in this card, and if you look closely you can see that even her headdress and gown are “alive” with plant-life and forest greenery. This is the essence of the Empress card.

You do want to make sure you’re not neglecting your own needs while you’re busy taking care of others. You want to tend to your own gardens and nourish your own soul. But as you can see in the imagery in this card, what you give out will come back to you in ways that reverberate endlessly.