Seven of Cups
You may find yourself with the tendency to overdo things today. With Venus squaring Jupiter the focus is on excess.
This excess could be in your thinking, words, emotions or just generally feeling as if you can’t reign anything in and get a good grip on what is around you.
Look at the cups floating in the air. What do they mean to you? Each cup is a different colour which correlates to a different chakra.
Take your time and choose which cup you are most drawn to and ask yourself what this colour means to you… I dare you to try this and when you do take note to any resistance you feel within yourself in actually choosing a cup/colour and being able to hold onto your thoughts surrounding it.
That is the feeling of the Seven of cups… the inability to truly grasp a situation and the capacity to make a mess of things if you go off on a tangent.
If you need further proof of this look at the bottle of alcohol by the foot of the chair for this is also the card of drink, drugs and the confusion associated with these substances.
So the real question is what do you have to work with? You might be best to sit this day out and not take any actions that would land you in a mess.
You can also try this. The one cup on this card that is facing you is the green cup. It is aiming right at you and is very close to your chest area. This cup is the cup for the heart chakra as it is coloured green (the colour associated with this chakra).
You may wish to try some colour breathing whilst focusing on this chakra. You may also wish to try abstaining from any substances that would set you off into a conflicted argument with those around you because the cups which are looking as if they are the two with the most likelihood of smashing together are the blue and yellow cup.
Blue standing for the throat chakra and communication and yellow standing for the solar plexus chakra and power. In other words… if you open your mouth and say what’s on your mind it may all just blow up in your face. Best focus on yourself and show yourself a bit of kindness and self love.
The card used for today’s tarotscope — Seven of Cups — is part of the Prairie Tarot series, designed and illustrated by the phenomenal artist Robin Ator.
This deck is self-published by Glow in the Dark Pictures.
This deck is also available for IPhone, IPad and Ipod Touch through the Fool’s Dog website.
Used by generous permission.
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