
Free Daily Tarotscope — Aug 11, 2014 — Four of Wands

Four of Wands

Four of Wands

Have you got everything in place for what you want to do next?

It may be that you are planning a project or something new and at the moment you are laying down the groundwork to how this will all fall into place for you. If so, take note to the image on this card for it may be that you need to call in some favours or help from others to accomplish what is on your mind.

With Mercury trining the south node today there is a sense that what you are planning to do is something you have been wanting for a long time. In the past you may not have been able to accomplish it because what you needed was not in the right place or it was not the right time for you but today you can start making plans and begin to see the results of your dreams coming to life.

The 4 points of the compass are clearly laid out within this image as the 4 cats hold hands and join in unison to bring everything together. The focus is on the fire within the middle which can serve as a focal point for what is needed next and as everyone is working in unison there is little chance that something will go wrong.

Do not allow a breakdown in communication although with Mercury’s placement this would be unlikely.

You may also wish to look for help from an unexpected source with Uranus close to the south node something or someone from your past may unexpectedly step forward and offer you the help you need at the moment you need it.

Free Daily Tarotscope — May 2, 2014 — Four of Wands

Four of Wands

Four of Wands

Today you may want to pause and reflect on how far you’ve come, as well as where you want to go in the next chapter in your life.

The Four of Wands represents the stage in a project (or relationship, decision, goal, etc.) where you feel satisfied with progress made and are now in the process of gathering momentum.

What was once a dream (the Ace of Wands) that evolved into a plan (Two of Wands) and starting producing results (Three of Wands) is now not only gathering steam but is showing real potential for long term success (Four of Wands),

In this version of the card, we see a gold ring with four wands crossing one another from the center and emanating outwardly like spokes on a wheel. Flames radiate in the center and the wands have alternating rams and doves at their tips.

This card is called “Completion” in this deck and is ruled by Venus in Aries — which is where Venus will be later today. Although Venus is said to be in detriment in Aries (as the sign opposing its ruling sign Libra), there are many positive attributes to this archetype, most notably the dynamic Aries impulse to keep things moving. 

Free Daily Tarotscope — Mar 12, 2014 — Four of Wands

Four of Wands

Four of Wands

You may be looking forward to a party or celebration among friends and loved ones today. The Four of Wands often refers to a literal celebration — such as a wedding or birth of a child — but it can also indicate a time of rejoicing and celebrating happy news.

Although we don’t see dancing and merriment in this version of the card, we do see other important references to the Four of Wands — namely festive symbols of welcoming and hospitality.

There’s a decorative canopy and a basket full of sumptuous fruit; a babbling brook and foot bridge nearby, and high on the hill in the distance, a majestic castle.

The Four of Wands — like all Fours in the tarot — is not about work or productivity. It’s about taking time away —  from day-to-day chores and responsibilities — to celebrate life’s important milestones.

It’s about meeting and greeting, putting aside biases and preconceived notions and breaking bread with others. It’s also about creating new memories.

The Four of Wands not only appears as a literal celebration, it can also refer to a cause for celebration — such as an engagement, a new baby, a promotion, purchasing a new home, etc. However it manifests, you’ll want to recognize the occasion and share your joy with loved ones.

June 2013 Tarot Scopes featuring the Rider-Waite Tarot


ARIES: Justice

What is your best way forward?

What options do you have?

The Justice card implies you are ready to face a situation head on with logical thought processes.

The scales held in the left hand show a balancing of all the facts whilst the sword in the right hand shows you are ready to speak with conviction once all of the facts have been weighted up.

The situation around you does not need over emotional input for you to gain a satisfactory outcome.

You must use your mind and intellect to access the outcome you are hoping for.

This may mean you need to seek counsel with a professional who can help you with your problems and tip the scales of justice in your favor.



January 2013 Tarot Scopes featuring the Thoth Tarot


You’ll have the opportunity to re-invent yourself this month and to achieve equilibrium in your relationships.

You can turn something negative into something positive by striving for balance, harmony and composure.

This is a powerful card. It relates to the alchemical process of turning lead into gold. You can activate this concept personally by embracing that which has been resisted or denied and working to transform it.

This card is called “Art” (Temperance, in some decks). It speaks of seeking out symmetry.

It speaks of finding a middle-ground. In what areas of your life are you too inflexible, too rigid and too unwilling to hear another’s point of view?

Your challenge will be to overcome those impediments and to integrate the opposing forces in your life.